

Time:07:35 AM to 08:49 AM
Place:HCR 0107
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Fischer
This Report was prepared by
David Beaujon
Mitsch Bush
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Water Quality Control Commission
CDPHE Environmental Agriculture Program
Briefing only
Briefing only

07:35 AM -- Water Quality Control Commission

Representative Fischer announced that attendance at this joint briefing is not mandatory and acknowledges the attendance by Senators Schwartz and Jones and Representatives Buck, Coram, Lebsock, McLachlan, Mitch-Bush, and Rankin.

07:37 AM

Andrew Todd, Chair of the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC), introduced the members of the commission attending the meeting and described the duties and membership of the commission.

07:41 AM

Barbara Biggs, WQCC, discussed the tools available to the WQCC to protect water quality in the state including the development of site specific water quality standards, temporary modifications, and compliance schedules (Attachment A). She also responded to questions from the committee about how the commission balances the cost of complying with regulations with the ability of a discharger to pay for such measures, and described the WQCC rulemaking processes including the ability of the public and the regulated community to participate in this process. Ms. Biggs also discussed the need for improvements to water treatment infrastructure to comply with state regulations and state programs to help pay for these improvements including low interest loans and grants.

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07:57 AM

Mark Phifer, WQCC, discussed potential federal funding measures to pay for infrastructure improvements including taxes on bottled water and the manufacture of certain pollutants. He also discussed state programs to help local communities pay for drinking water and wastewater improvement projects including low interest loans and grants.

08:00 AM

Steve Gunderson, Director, Water Quality Control Division, responded to questions from the committee about the regulation of discharges of ground water with high arsenic levels associated with a Colorado Department of Transportation highway construction project. He also discussed state funding available to help small communities pay for water infrastructure improvements including the Small Communities Water and Wastewater Grant Program that is addressed in Senate Bill 14-025.

08:08 AM

Mr. Pifher discussed the Governor's executive order concerning the Colorado Water Plan that includes water quality provisions. He also explained how Colorado water law integrates water quality regulations with the Colorado doctrine of prior appropriation that governs the allocation of stream water and groundwater connected to streams (Attachment B). He also discussed House Bill 13- 1044 concerning grey water use that seeks to address water quality measures while meeting water supply demands, such as residential irrigation; and the regulation of municipal water reuse.

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08:17 AM

Mr. Pifher responded to questions from the committee about the regulation of discharges related to dewatering projects that seek to lower the water table. Ms. Biggs responded to questions from the committee about costs related to water treatment plants including infrastructure, chemicals, and energy consumption. She also discussed changes in the average amount of water used for residential in-house purposes and how these changes affect water treatment costs.

08:31 AM

Commissioner Todd responded to questions from the committee about the water quality impacts of flame retardants used to fight wildland fires. Mr. Gunderson also discussed the effects of runoff from lands impacted by wildland fires on water quality.

08:36 AM

Mr Pifher discussed the regulation of construction projects in streams systems that may impact water quality. Mr. Gunderson also discussed staffing needs for the Water Quality Control Division related to proposed water infrastructure projects.

08:41 AM -- Environmental Agriculture Program annual report - Colorado Department of Pu

Sean Scott, Manager of the Environmental Agriculture Program, explained that pursuant to Section 25-8-502 (1)(h), C.R.S., an annual report must be provided to the House Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee concerning the Environmental Agriculture Program. He discussed the regulation of animal feeding operations including large confined animal feeding operations (Attachment C). He identified air and water quality permits that may be required for animal feeding operations and the cost of the administering the Environmental Agriculture Programs and use of permit fees to pay for these activities. He also discussed complaints and enforcement actions taken by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and responded to questions from the committee about enforcement authorities for the Environmental Agriculture Program including fines and compliance orders.

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08:49 AM

The committee adjourned.