Date: 09/02/2014

Commission Discussion and Vote on Motions to Draft Legislation


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:16 PM -- Public Comment

Representative Pettersen discussed the commission's schedule and opened up the floor for public comment. Ms. Rosemary Allen, Professor of Early Childhood at Metropolitan State University, began her testimony, which focused on preschool expulsions and racial disparities in these suspensions. She provided a handout to the committee on this topic (Attachment D). She discussed the need to address challenging behaviors in preschool and use research-based practices. She wants there to be culturally responsive practices and training, and discussed the differences between the early childhood workforce and population of children served. Representative Pettersen asked about the best way to address the problem and if legislation was needed. Ms. Allen stated that data collection was needed and that courses in the curriculum need to include culturally responsive material. Senator Todd asked about the courses in this area and Ms. Allen described her work and the courses at Metropolitan State University and University of Colorado Denver. Ms. Allen responded to prior comments concerning teacher evaluations.


Mr. Rich Jones, Director of Policy and Research at Bell Policy Center, began his testimony. He stated that The Bell is in favor of many of the ideas presented, in particular expanding the number of preschool slots available in the Colorado Preschool Program. He stated that flexibility between full-day kindergarten and preschool slots is important, but that more preschool slots are needed. He also voiced support for the TANF child support proposal and funding for Family Resource Centers. Senator Kefalas asked if expanding slots should be done through the School Finance Act or a separate bill. Mr. Jones responded that the School Finance Act has traditionally been the vehicle for expanding slots, but that it could be its own bill if the committee wants. Representative McCann asked for clarification about the relevant statutory sections. Julie Pelegrin from the Office of Legislative Legal Services, provided additional information on this topic and past practices for amending the School Finance Act.

01:33 PM

The members of the Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC) came to the table, including Ms. Cindy Schultz, Ms. Anna Jo Haynes, Ms. Charlotte Brantley, and Ms. Elsa Holguin.

Ms. Haynes, co-chair of the ECLC, described the partnership between the ECLC and the commission. Ms. Schulz discussed the higher percentage of ECARE slots going toward full-day kindergarten rather than preschool and the need for more preschool slots. She described the impact of preschool on families and the developmental benefits of preschool. Ms. Brantley, CEO of Clayton Early Learning, began her testimony and discussed family-friend-neighbor care. She described the experience at Clayton Early Learning of trying to improve the quality of unregulated family, friend, and neighbor care. She stated that more study is needed on this topic, rather than a specific bill. Ms. Holguin discussed their work with the Office of Early Childhood. Ms. Haynes discussed the ECLC's position on the various ideas put forth by the commission. Senator Kefalas asked about the data collection on racial disparities in early childhood discipline. Ms. Allen returned to the table and discussed the data collection mandates in current law. Ms. Brantley stated that the ECLC can also take up this issue.

01:57 PM -- Commission Discussion and Vote on Motions to Draft Legislation

Senator Kefalas proposed that the commission write a letter to the Joint Budget Committee recommending additional funding for Family Resource Centers. There were no objections from the commission. Representative McCann stated that she did not have any bill proposals. Senator Todd's first proposal was to draft a bill to create a tax credit for child care provider education. There were no objections from the commission. Senator Kefalas stated that he would like a preliminary fiscal note for the tax credit bill proposal. Senator Todd's second proposal was to increase funding for early childhood scholarships for early childhood teachers. There were no objections from the commission. Senator Marble did not object, but stated that it is important to her that funding for education align with what is in the constitution, which she states is to serve children ages 6 through 20, not for preschool. She then discussed the relationship between spending per pupil and graduation rates in different cities and states.

Representative Pettersen presented her proposal for a bill allowing TANF recipients to receive child support from non-custodial parents, rather than have these funds retained by the state and federal governments. There were no objections from the commission. Representative Pettersen stated that she would like to have a bill to increase Colorado Preschool Program slots, even if this is just a temporary placeholder that will be worked into the School Finance Act.

Commission discussion ensued about the logistics of drafting the bills with Ms. Julie Pelegrin, Office of Legislative Legal Services. Ms. Pelegrin discussed the drafting deadlines.