Date: 09/22/2014

BILL SUMMARY for Presentation of Draft Interim Legislation - Bill 3


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:28 AM -- Presentation of Draft Interim Legislation - Bill 3

Ms. Julie Pelegrin, OLLS, explained Bill 3 (Attachment G). The bill repeals the existing Early Childhood Educator Development Scholarship program and creates the Early Childhood Educator Development Fund, which consists of any General Fund appropriations and gifts, grants, and donations that the CDE may receive. The CDE must distribute the moneys in the fund to tax-exempt nonprofit corporations or institutions of higher education for scholarship programs to assist early childhood education professionals in obtaining a post-secondary credential in early childhood education. The State Board of Education (SBE) would adopt rules for the program and the awarding of grants. Senator Todd discussed Amendment 1 to the bill (Attachment H).

14EarlyChildhood0922AttachG.pdf14EarlyChildhood0922AttachG.pdf 14EarlChildhood0922AttachH.pdf14EarlChildhood0922AttachH.pdf

The following person testified:

11:32 AM --
Ms. Heather Tritten, Interim President of Qualistar Colorado, discussed the bill. She said that the bill is a way to support early childhood professionals. She talked about the professional development team at CDE, which is funded by the DHS, and questioned whether the Office of Professional Development should be housed within CDE or DHS. She said that no resolution has been reached at this time.

Senator Todd commented that the bill is not ready for introduction, but that she will continue to work on the issue. Senator Todd asked that Bill 3 be removed from consideration as one of the commission bills to forward to Legislative Council. No vote was held on the bill.

11:37 AM

Representative Pettersen thanked Senator Todd for her work and expressed disappointment that the bill would not move forward as a commission bill. She volunteered to continue working on the issue with Senator Todd.