

Time:01:01 PM to 02:31 PM
Place:LSB A
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Ryden
This Report was prepared by
Jessika Shipley
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
HCR14-1001Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

01:02 PM -- HCR 14-1001

Representative Sonnenberg, sponsor, presented House Concurrent Resolution 14-1001. The concurrent resolution refers a constitutional amendment to voters at the 2014 general election that, if approved, will allocate one state representative in the Colorado House of Representatives to each county. State House district boundaries will be set along county lines and the number of state representatives will be equal to the number of counties in the state. The change in state House districts will take effect on January 10, 2017, if approved by voters. State Senate districts are not affected by the resolution.

01:07 PM --
K. Joe Kinnie, representing Phillips County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Kinnie discussed issues he believes to be unique to rural areas of Colorado. He expressed his opinion that those issues are not adequately represented in the General Assembly. He spoke about a plan for portions of Northern Colorado to secede from the state. He stated that rural Colorado voices need to be heard. He responded to questions from the committee.

01:14 PM --
Sean Conway, representing Weld County and Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI), testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Conway explained the process CCI uses to vet legislative proposals. He discussed issues he believes to be unique to rural areas of Colorado. He expressed his opinion that those issues are not adequately represented in the General Assembly. He spoke about a plan for portions of Northern Colorado to secede from the state. He stated that rural Colorado voices need to be heard. He urged the committee to put the question to the voters. He responded to questions from the committee.

01:28 PM

The committee continued to question Mr. Conway.

01:32 PM

Committee discussion with Mr. Conway continued.

01:36 PM --
Trent Bushner, representing Yuma County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Bushner spoke about a plan for portions of Northern Colorado to secede from the state, for which Yuma County voted by an overwhelming majority. He discussed the apportionment of United States Senate districts. He talked about issues he believes to be unique to rural areas of Colorado and expressed his opinion that those issues are not adequately represented in the General Assembly. He stated that he and other rural voters are disenfranchised. He responded to questions from the committee.

01:44 PM --
Merrit Linke, representing Grand County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Linke described Grand County and the industries that are present in the county. He emphasized the importance of working with rural communities on policy issues.

01:48 PM --
Terry Hart, representing Washington County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Hart noted that there have been instances when the county has opposed legislation trying to impose a one-size-fits-all solution to a problem. He spoke in support of the concurrent resolution. He responded to questions from the committee.

01:53 PM --
Laura Teague, representing Morgan County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Ms. Teague stated that there should be better representation at the state and county commissioner level.

01:56 PM --
Lea Ann Laybourn, representing Washington County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Ms. Laybourn noted that Washington County residents voted overwhelmingly to secede from the state. She stated that there is an urban/rural disconnect.

01:58 PM --
Greg King, representing Lincoln County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. King stated that there should be a representative from each county to make rural voices heard. He responded to questions from the committee regarding diversity in Lincoln County. He further addressed questions from the committee regarding the recent reapportionment process.

02:07 PM --
David White, representing Montrose County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. White noted that the Delta and Mesa County Commissioners are also in support of the resolution. He discussed legislation that would have allowed county commissioners to be elected by district. He stated that rural citizens feel disenfranchised from the political process.

02:10 PM --
Robert Rowland, representing Elbert County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Rowland noted that the representative for his district represents nine counties, each of which has unique needs. He discussed the need for better relationships between rural and urban citizens and legislators.

02:15 PM --
Rod Pelton, representing Cheyenne County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Pelton stated that there are individuals in rural areas who want to be heard, and noted that Cheyenne County voted to secede from the state. He discussed specific policies that have led to the frustration felt by rural citizens.

02:18 PM --
Marc Dettenrieder, representing Teller County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Dettenrieder indicated that the resolution would result in more and better representation for rural areas.

02:20 PM --
David Foy, representing Washington County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Foy spoke about the Public Utilities Commission and its involvement in the process of establishing cooperative rural electric associations. He discussed other issues that are unique to rural Colorado.

02:24 PM --
Randy Schafer, representing Phillips County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Schafer expressed his opinion that rural issues are not adequately represented in the General Assembly. He spoke about a plan for portions of Northern Colorado to secede from the state. He discussed the disenfranchisement of rural voters.

02:28 PM --
Dave Donaldson, representing Logan County, testified in support of the concurrent resolution. Mr. Donaldson reiterated the testimony of Mr. White from Montrose County.

02:30 PM

Representative Sonnenberg thanked the county commissioners for coming to testify. Representative Ryden laid the bill over for final action.

02:31 PM

The committee adjourned.