Date: 04/21/2014

BILL SUMMARY for HB14-1145


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:52 PM -- HB14-1145

Representative Wilson, sponsor, introduced House Bill 14-1145, which orders the Department of Education (CDE) to create summary visual representations of revenue and primary expenditures of each school district, charter school, Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), and the Charter School Institute. He stated his intent to allow interested parties a simple way to compare and analyze school districts' expenditures. He discussed the bill's fiscal note and explained his interest in promoting comparability across districts. He spoke about whether or not the CDE would need extra personnel as a result of the bill. He explained the provisions of Amendment L.002 (Attachment A).


With no one signed up to testify, Representative Hamner closed public testimony. She laid the bill over for action only to a date before the end of the legislative session.