Date: 02/05/2014

BILL SUMMARY for HB14-1116


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

02:42 PM

The committee recessed.

02:51 PM

The committee returned from recess.

02:52 PM -- HB14-1116

Representative Rosenthal, sponsor, presented House Bill 14-1116 concerning allowing compensation for all officers of a school district board of educators. He discussed the need for school board member compensation based on the public service provided to their community and said that levels of compensation should be determined at the local level. He presented a letter from the Colorado Association of School Boards (Attachment C). Representative Rosenthal presented amendment L.001 (Attachment D) and amendment L.002 (Attachments E).

14HseLocal0205AttachC.pdf14HseLocal0205AttachC.pdf 14HseLocal0205AttachD.pdf14HseLocal0205AttachD.pdf


Representative Rankin discussed community volunteerism for rural school districts compared to urban districts. Representative Rosenthal discussed the importance of compensation for public service.

03:05 PM

Representative Gardner discussed the political issues of allowing school districts to determine their own compensation levels and whether it is more appropriate to have the state determine pay levels. Representative Rosenthal said that compensation for school boards is a local control issue and should be determined at the local level. He answered questions from the committee regarding the implementation of the provisions of the law.

Representative Landgraf discussed school board membership and funding sources. Representative Rosenthal discussed budgets for school districts and said that the bill gives local control on how they want to provide compensation.

03:15 PM

The committee continued to discuss compensation of public service board members. Representative Rosenthal answered questions from the committee concerning current practices for compensation in regards to executive positions of a school board.

Representative Rankin discussed the inequality of providing services depending on the districts that have fundamentally different funding options.

Representative Gardner discussed the inclusion of charter school boards. Representative Rosenthal said that charter school boards are not covered under statute, and therefore would not be included in the bill. He said that public school districts are larger and therefore have the resources to provide compensation.

03:26 PM

The committee continued to discuss charter schools boards.

Representative Rankin asked about funding resources for compensation. Representative Rosenthal said that the bill allows local officials to do what is in the best interest of their community.

Representative Dore discussed tier systems used to compensate public service officials by county. Representative Rosenthal discussed payment options in order to maximize compensation costs. He answered questions from the committee regarding the authority of districts to compensate school board members.

03:37 PM

The committee continued to discuss the authority of districts to compensate school board members. Representative Rosenthal answered questions from the committee regarding unintended corruption of authority.

Representative Wright discussed referring the authority of compensation to the voters. Representative Rosenthal discussed the right of the state legislature to grant local governments the authority to make decisions.

The bill was laid over for action only to February 6, 2014.