Date: 03/11/2014



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

03:45 PM -- SB14-018

Representatives Hamner and Young introduced Senate Bill 14-018. The bill expands current law's prohibition on furnishing tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age to include all nicotine products. They distributed examples of the products that would be affected by the bill. They responded to questions from the committee regarding whether the bill will prohibit the distribution of tobacco cessation products to minors and whether the bill bans rolling papers.

03:54 PM --
April Montgomery, March of Dimes, testified in support of the bill. She stated that tobacco and nicotine products contribute to premature births. Representative Young responded to questions from the committee regarding pending legislation that bans the sale of tobacco products to individuals under age 21.

03:59 PM --
Gabe Kaplan, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, testified in support of the bill and discussed the costs to the state associated with tobacco use. He described new nicotine products that have entered the market, and a fact sheet regarding the bill was distributed to the committee (Attachment D). Representative Young and Mr. Kaplan responded to questions from the committee regarding enforcement of the bill's provisions. Mr. Kaplan responded to questions from the committee regarding when many nicotine-only products began to enter the market. Representative Stephens commented on the increase in the use of dissolvable nicotine products among youth. The committee discussed whether current law would ban products that contain both tobacco and nicotine.


04:21 PM --
Kris Forrestal, Office of Legislative Legal Services, came to the table to respond to committee questions.

04:22 PM --
Grier Baily, Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association, testified in support of the bill. He discussed the warning signs required by the bill and responded to questions about the warning signs. Representative Young discussed the statutory requirements for the warning signs. Mr. Baily responded to questions about who pays for the warning signs, the need for transparency for consumers at points of sale, and the enforcement of current statutes. Representative Hamner stated that bill would provide clarification to retailers. Mr. Baily responded to a question about whether the state offers a sign that includes nicotine in the required language.

04:41 PM --
Donna Viverette, Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials and Jefferson County Public Health, testified in support of the bill. She discussed hookah use among minors and the minors' ease of access to nicotine products. She stated that nicotine dependance can occur after two days of use. Ms. Viverette responded to questions about how minors access nicotine products and enforcement of the current statute.

04:55 PM --
R.J. Ours, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, testified in opposition to the bill. He stated that the bill could cause unintended consequences and the changes in the bill are not necessary at this time. He responded to questions from the committee regarding his organization's opposition to the bill.

05:02 PM

Representatives Hamner and Young gave concluding remarks regarding the bill.

05:19 PM

The bill was laid over of action at a future committee meeting.

05:19 PM

The committee adjourned.