Date: 01/23/2014

Presentation on the Status of the Waiting Lists for Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities


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03:10 PM -- Presentation on the Status of the Waiting Lists for Services for Individual

Megan Davisson, Joint Budget Committee, came to the table to discuss the waiting list for individuals with developmental disabilities. She distributed a memorandum to the committee (Attachment A). She responded to committee questions regarding the memorandum and the waiting lists.

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03:17 PM --
Marijo Rymer, representing ARC of Colorado, and Chris Collins, representing Alliance Colorado, came to the table to discuss the waiting lists. They distributed a briefing paper concerning the waiting list to the committee (Attachment B). Ms. Rymer spoke about the Medicaid waivers for individuals with developmental disabilities and responded to committee questions regarding potential and suggested legislation.

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03:27 PM

Ms. Rymer stated that school budgets significantly affect the state's and counties' ability to provide developmental disability services. She discussed the intersection of federal and state rules regarding Medicaid waivers for individuals with developmental disabilities.

03:29 PM

Ms. Collins gave the committee an overview of Alliance Colorado and discussed the requested appropriations that affect developmental disabilities services. She discussed how waivers are currently transforming. Ms. Collins and Ms. Rymer responded to committee questions regarding the availability of providers, barriers to services, and respite care.

03:39 PM

The committee took a brief recess.