Date: 05/01/2014



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

04:18 PM -- SB14-023

Representative Kagan provided some procedural notes about Senate Bill 14-023, concerning an authorization of the voluntary transfer of water efficiency savings to the Colorado Water Conservation Board for instream use purposes in water divisions that include lands west of the Continental Divide. Discussion ensued regarding this procedure, and the reason that the bill was referred to the committee from another standing committee. Representative Becker, prime sponsor of the bill, weighed in on this issue. Discussion followed regarding the satisfaction of certain constitutional requirements by the previous hearing on the bill. Representative Becker presented the bill, and explained its effect. She also discussed the benefits of the legislation.

04:31 PM

Representative Gardner requested additional background on the prior appropriation doctrine in water law. Discussion ensued between Representative Gardner and Representative Becker. Representative Becker indicated that witnesses would be able to address many of Representative Gardner's questions.

04:36 PM

Discussion continued regarding the prior appropriation doctrine, and the competing interests in the water market in Colorado.

04:42 PM

The committee recessed.

05:12 PM

The committee returned to order. Representative Kagan announced that the committee would proceed to the House floor for work and return afterward to hear the rest of its bills.

05:15 PM

The committee recessed.