Date: 08/08/2014

Report on Gold Fund


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02:25 PM -- Report on Gold Fund

Betsy Holdredge, Legislative Council Staff, presented updated Gold Fund information (Attachments G and H). She discussed the breakdown of the Gold Fund balances and reserves. Ms. Holdredge spoke on the current payments from the fund including purchasing brochures and paying taxes. She spoke on the annual sales of the gift shop and said that the Mile High Marker and the holiday ornament's sales vary by year.

Attachment G.pdfAttachment G.pdf Attachment H.pdfAttachment H.pdf

Theresa Holst, Legislative Council Staff, discussed the purchases of the Mile High Markers from Visit Denver. She discussed the sale of the Governor's Residence holiday ornament and said that it may have affected sales of the Capitol ornament.

Ms. Eddins asked a question regarding the Governor's Residence holiday ornament.

Ms. Bishop asked about the Women's Gold brochure. Ms. Holst discussed the history and content of the brochure. She said that it is no longer printed and is not available to visitors. Senator Newell asked if she could find out if it could be reprinted.

Senator Newell asked about the symbols and emblems brochure and the Capitol dome pictures. The committee discussed selling pictures of the restored dome. Ms. Bishop asked about a commemorative picture to correspond with the re-opening of the dome.

Lance Shepherd, Capitol Complex, Department of Personnel and Administration, said that a photographer will be brought in to take pictures of the Capitol dome when work is completed.

The committee discussed providing dome photographs for sale at the gift shop. Senator Newell asked a question regarding DVD sales and discussed the opportunities for the gift shop during the dome re-opening.