Date: 12/04/2013

Colorado Mesa University FY 2014-15 Capital Requests


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10:10 AM -- Colorado Mesa University FY 2014-15 Capital Construction Requests

Ms. Donaldson discussed the changes to the schedule due to the weather. Mr. Bo Pogue, Legislative Council Staff, presented the three capital requests from Colorado Mesa University on behalf of the university's representatives, who were grounded in Grand Junction due to the weather. Mr. Pogue first discussed the Tomlinson Library Addition and Renovation project. Mr. Pogue next discussed the university's Health Sciences Department Remodel project. Finally, Mr. Pogue discussed the university's Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power System project. Mr. Pogue stated that the committee would make an effort to have President Tim Foster and Pat Doyle, Vice President for Administrative Service and Finance, Colorado Mesa University, brief the committee on these projects in person during the session.