Date: 12/03/2013

Colorado School of Mines FY 2014-15 Capital Request


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09:33 AM -- Colorado School of Mines FY 2014-15 Capital Construction Requests

Dr. M. W. "Bill" Skoggins, President, Ms. Kirsten Volpi, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, and Mr. Peter Han, Chief of Staff, Colorado School of Mines (CSM), presented the university's FY 2014-15 state-funded capital construction requests and five-year projection of need. Committee members received a handout on the presentation from the department (Attachment B). President Skoggins provided an update of the school's recent achievements and infrastructure developments, and discussed the two capital requests: the replacement of Meyer Hall and the renovation of its heating plant (a capital renewal project). President Skoggins discussed the university's future need for the renovation of its Green Center.

131203 AttachB.pdf131203 AttachB.pdf

09:42 AM

President Skoggins responded to questions from the committee about student population, energy efficiency, and CSM's grant prospects. Ms. Volpi answered a question about the renovation of the university's heating plant.

09:52 AM

President Skoggins responded to questions about the future renovation of the Green Center.