Date: 04/24/2013

Colorado Oil and Gas Association and Colorado Petroleum Association


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

07:34 AM -- Colorado Oil and Gas Association and Colorado Petroleum Association

Representative Fischer explained that roll would not be called as the joint meeting was not mandatory.

Stan Dempsy, Colorado Petroleum Association, and Jamie Jost, Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA), introduced themselves to the committee. Ms. Jost distributed a handout to the committee that discusses the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission's (COGCC) groundwater sampling rules (Attachment A). Ms. Jost gave a brief overview of the groundwater rulemaking process and discussed the specifics of the new Rule 609 which was adopted on January 7, 2013 and goes into effect on May 1, 2013. Ms. Jost answered questions from the committee regarding Rule 609 including if homeowners or well owners may opt in to groundwater sampling, exceptions from sampling requirements, and public disclosure requirements. Ms. Jost continued to answer questions from the committee regarding the cost of water sampling and how House Bill 13-1316 may impact the cost of sampling. Ms. Jost discussed exceptions from sampling requirements under Rule 609 and specifics of what is tested for during groundwater sampling. Ms. Jost discussed specifics of Rule 318A.e.(4), which is known as the "Greater Wattenburg Rule," and answered questions regarding Rule 318A.e.(4). Mr. Dempsy also addressed questions related to Rule 318A.e.(4).

130424 AttachA.pdf130424 AttachA.pdf

08:10 AM

Mr. Dempsy discussed the process and involvement of the Colorado Petroleum Association in adopting Rule 609. Mr. Dempsy explained that Rule 609 is supplementary to already existing COGCC rules and invited the legislators to involve COGA when crafting new legislation. Mr. Dempsy also discussed air quality issues and answered questions from the committee regarding permit processing.