Date: 11/22/2013

Presentation from DPA


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10:58 AM -- Presentation from DPA

Ms. Kathy Nesbitt, Executive Director of the Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA), presented on three materials: "FY 2014-15 SMART Act" (Attachment D), the "FY 2014-15 Department Performance Management Plan" (Attachment E), and the department's regulatory agenda (Attachment F). She introduced Kara Veitch, DPA's new Deputy Executive Director, and noted that the heads of all DPA offices and divisions were in the room.

131122 AttachD Morning.pdf131122 AttachD Morning.pdf131122 AttachE Morning.pdf131122 AttachE Morning.pdf131122 AttachF Morning.pdf131122 AttachF Morning.pdf

11:09 AM

Director Nesbitt continued with her presentation. She provided updates on the department's strategic plan and discussed the offices and divisions that DPA oversees, including: the Division of Statewide Programs, which includes Colorado State Employee Assistance Program (C-SEAP), the Colorado State Archives, the Office of the State Architect, and the Office of Administrative Courts; the Office of the State Controller; the Division of Finance and Procurement; the Division of Central Services; the Division of Human Resources; and the State Personnel Board, which is constitutionally independent but DPA provides the board with back office support. Director Nesbitt also addressed the department's regulatory agenda, the 2014 legislative agenda, and 2014 budget requests.

11:22 AM

Carol Pfarr, Division Director of Finance and Procurement, came to the table to respond to a question on Western States Contracting Alliance agreements. Representative Williams recognized Director Nesbitt for receiving a public official of the year award from Governing magazine.

11:32 AM

Questions from the committee continued. Matthew Azer, Chief Judge and Director of Statewide Programs, came to the table to address questions related to the Office of the Administrative Courts.

11:42 AM

Director Nesbitt concluded her presentation. Senator Tochtrop opened the meeting to public testimony; however, no members of the public were present.

11:43 AM

Part I of the 2013 Joint Business SMART Government Act meeting adjourned.