Date: 02/18/2013

BILL SUMMARY for HB13-1194


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

04:30 PM -- House Bill 13-1194

Representative Everett, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 13-1194 which concerns providing in-state student classification for dependents of members of the armed forces. Under current law, a member of the armed forces is eligible to obtain in-state tuition regardless of his or her length of residency upon moving to Colorado on a permanent change-of-station basis or temporary assignment to duty in Colorado. The bill grants the same eligibility to any dependent of a member of the armed forces. The bill also eliminates the requirement under current law that the student be a graduate of a high school in Colorado. A student who qualifies for resident tuition under the bill is not eligible to receive stipends from the College Opportunity Fund.

Representative Everett read aloud an email submitted by Nanette Mueller in support of the bill (Attachment E).


The following persons testified on the bill:

04:35 PM --
Jeremy Hueth, Legal Counsel for the University of Colorado, testified on the bill. He stated that the university supports the bill with amendments and that he appreciates the work of the bill sponsor. He explained why amendments to the bill are necessary and responded to questions from the committee.

Representative Everett distributed Amendment L.002 (Attachment F).


04:40 PM --
Nate Gorman, representing the Unified Veterans Committee of Colorado (UVC), testified in support of the bill. He stated UVC supports any bill that takes care of military families after they have served. He said that UVC is in support of measures that have a goal of keeping military families whole. He responded to a question from the committee.

04:42 PM --
Adam Hepp, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Hepp stated that he is a 12-year retired Veteran and that during his time of service, he moved nine times. He stated that during his service, he had several comrades who had family pursuing higher education and that a bill like this would have helped them. He stated that military families are patriotic and that those types of people are needed in Colorado.

04:44 PM

Representative Hamner stated that the bill would be laid over for action only until Wednesday, February 20, 2013, to allow the bill sponsor time to get the amendments to the bill in order.