Date: 05/02/2013



Votes: View--> Action Taken:

03:08 PM -- Senate Bill 13-215

The committee came back to order.

Representative Ginal presented Senate Bill 13-215 concerning alternative health care practitioners. The bill places certain requirements and restrictions on practitioners of complementary and alternative health care services who are not otherwise licensed or regulated by the state as a health care professional. Specifically, the bill requires practitioners of complementary and alternative health care services to provide a written disclosure to clients that states certain information about the practitioner. The bill outlines services and practices that may not be performed by practitioners of complementary and alternative health care services, as well as procedures that may be provided with certain training. In addition, persons who are not allowed to engage in complementary and alternative health care services are specified. Failure to provide the required disclosure or performing prohibited services constitutes a deceptive trade practice under the Colorado Consumer Protection Act. The bill also specifically exempts complementary and alternative health care services from the definition of "practice of medicine" if the services are provided in compliance with the bill.

03:12 PM --
Joanie Coffey, Colorado Coalition for Natural Health, testified in support of the bill. She discussed the need for legitimization and protection of natural health professionals.

03:15 PM --
Larry Sarner, Colorado Citizens for Science and Medicine, testified against the bill. He discussed the unlicensed practice of medicine.

03:17 PM --
Linda Rosa, representing herself, testified against the bill. She discussed similar legislation in Minnesota and the treatments that would be allowed under the bill.

03:21 PM --
Maureen Maker, Colorado Citizens for Science in Medicine, testified against the bill. She discussed heat treatments. Ms. Maker responded to questions about consumers making informed decisions and whether she has received treatment from alternative health care providers.

03:26 PM --
Dr. Mark Johnson, representing himself, testified against the bill. He provided a written copy of his testimony (Attachment H). He discussed the impact the bill would have on public health related to immunizations and the lack of safeguards for unsafe practices in the bill. Dr. Johnson responded to questions about the immunization statistics he discussed during his testimony, the regulation of alternative health care providers, and whether any county health departments have taken positions on the bill.

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03:33 PM --
Donna Walter, representing herself, testified on the bill. She stated that she has concerns, but is neither for or against the bill. She discussed the vagueness and confusion the bill may create.

03:35 PM --
Alan Lewis, Vitamin Cottage, testified in support of the bill. He discussed natural health practices and referenced a potential amendment. Mr. Lewis responded to questions about whether there would be an impact on his business if the bill is not enacted.

03:38 PM --
Pati Thomas, representing herself, testified in support of the bill, but not any potential amendments. She discussed her practice as a certified nutritionist. Ms. Thomas responded to questions about whether she requires her patients to have a pediatrician, the professional relationship she has with pediatricians, and the education required for nutritionists.

03:46 PM --
Theresa Wrangham, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed her family's utilization of alternative health care providers and pediatricians.

03:48 PM --
Peggy Gates, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed being a student of complimentary nutrition therapy and expressed her concerns about a potential amendment.

03:50 PM --
Tony Brown, representing himself, testified in support of the bill. He discussed his experience with a naturopathic practitioner.

03:51 PM --
Pat Taggart, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed being a homeopathic practitioner and expressed her concerns about a potential amendment.

03:54 PM --
Sue Boorn, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed being an alternative health care consumer and homeopathic practitioner. Ms. Boorn responded to a question about the education required to become a homeopathic practitioner.

03:58 PM

Ms. Taggart responded to a question about the interaction between homeopathic remedies and prescription drugs. Ms. Boorn and Ms. Taggart responded to questions about whether they carry malpractice insurance, whether they advise about vaccinations, and the conditions they treat for patients under two years of age. Representative Stephens discussed her experience with alternative health care practitioners. Ms. Taggart and Ms. Boorn continued to respond to questions about immunizations and the practice of homeopathy.

04:11 PM --
Kimberly Sharples, Colorado Coalition for Natural Health, testified in support of the bill. She stated the need to allow for the legal practice of alternative care providers and to provide consumer protection. She discussed parental responsibility related to the use of pediatricians and other health care providers, the utilization of alternative health care providers, and her experience with a natural health practitioner.

04:14 PM --
Dr. Jasper Hillhouse, Children's Hospital Colorado and American Academy of Pediatrics, testified in a neutral capacity. He discussed the need for an amendment to address the care of children by alternative health care providers.

04:17 PM --
Zach Zaslow, Children's Hospital Colorado, testified on the bill. He discussed the need for the adoption of potential amendments related to the care of children by alternative health care providers.

04:19 PM

Dr. Hillhouse responded to questions regarding his concerns about the bill related to the care of children by alternative health care providers.

04:22 PM --
Kate Pfeiffer, Nutrition Inc., testified in support of the bill, but against potential amendments. She discussed her company and the services she provides to her clients concerning wellness and nutrition. Ms. Pfeiffer responded to questions about the impact a potential amendment would have on nutritionists.

04:27 PM --
Bethany Braunstein, Colorado Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, testified in support of the bill if a potential amendment is adopted. She discussed the education and practice of registered dietitians and a potential amendment.

04:30 PM --
Regina Topelson, Colorado Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, testified in support of the bill if a potential amendment is adopted. She discussed her experience as a registered dietitian. She responded to questions about possible drug and food interactions.

04:33 PM --
Lucinda Simpson, representing herself, testified in support of the bill. She discussed colonic treatments.

04:36 PM --
Janice Kerschner, Colorado Sunshine Health Freedom, testified in support of the bill. She discussed consumer protection, the need for access to natural health care, and the economic impact of alternative health care providers.

04:40 PM

Representative McCann explained what the Department of Regulatory Agencies is in response to a question from the member of the audience.

04:41 PM -- Dino Ioannides, Department of Regulatory Agencies, came to the table to respond to questions about the bill. He stated that the Attorney General's office would enforce the bill.

04:43 PM

Representative McCann laid the bill over for amendments and final action to a later date. The committee adjourned.