Date: 11/22/2013

Presentation from the CDLE


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02:15 PM -- Presentation from the CDLE

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) Executive Director Ellen Golombek came to the table. Director Golombek introduced Deputy Executive Director Kristin Corash and Budget Director Matthew Blackmon and the division heads in the room. A copy of the CDLE's regulatory agenda was provided to committee members in advance of the meeting (Attachment D). Director Golombek distributed a handout on her SMART Act presentation (Attachment E). She began a department overview and discussion of CDLE strategic initiatives.

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02:25 PM

Director Golombek continued her presentation of CDLE's FY 2012-13 accomplishments. She discussed the department's flood relief efforts and the Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, North Dakota consortium (WyCan).

02:35 PM

Director Golombek discussed CDLE's regulatory and legislative agenda. She discussed Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) claims. She responded to questions from the committee. Ms. Alexandra Hall, chief economist for CDLE, came to the table to address a question on CDLE's data collection and offered to provide the committee with a report on the job market in the state.

02:45 PM

Director Golombek continued to respond to questions from the committee. Mr. Paul Tauriello, Director of the Division of Worker's Compensation, came to the table to respond to questions on worker's compensation.

02:55 PM

Ms. Hall returned to the table to answer committee questions on the economic recovery and rural economic challenges.

03:05 PM

Director Golombek responded to questions about undocumented workers and requests for data.

03:15 PM

Mr. Tauriello returned to the table to respond to a question about the Worker's Compensation Cost Containment Board. Questions from the committee continued about call center technology. CDLE representatives concluded their presentation.