Date: 12/09/2013

Overview of new SMART Act Requirements


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

09:13 AM -- Overview of new SMART Act Requirements

Representative Hamner, Chair, welcomed the committee members and audience to the meeting. She reminded the committee about the field trip to Lincoln College of Technology after the meeting, and reviewed the day's agenda. Erick Scheminske, Deputy Director, Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB), came to the table to provide an overview of the new State Measurements for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act requirements. He distributed a handout to the committee members (Attachment A). Mr. Scheminske discussed the expectations for performance planning by executive branch agencies, and the importance of customer-focused performance management in order to improve customer service. He talked about the implementation of a lean business model to improve the operations of the state, and stated that training and education is critical for improving customer service. Mr. Scheminske told the committee that the new SMART Act requirements are meant to improve the consistency of committee oversight of executive branch department, and provide structure for the departments while also providing flexibility. He said that the visibility of strategic plans is necessary to improve the day-to-day interactions of employees and customers. He explained that departments are not required to publish their first performance plans until July 2014, and in November 2014, OSPB is required to publish a statewide performance report. Mr. Scheminske spoke about why the SMART Act briefings were changed from January of each year to November and December of each year. Finally, he reminded the committee that the SMART Act requires that each department present four items to the committee: its performance plan, regulatory agenda, budget request, and legislative agenda for upcoming year.


09:29 AM

Mr. Scheminske answered questions from the committee.