Date: 11/22/2013

Presentation from DORA


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03:28 PM -- Presentation from DORA

Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) Executive Director Barbara Kelley introduced Budget Analyst Justin Lippard and began an overview of DORA. Materials on the department's regulatory agenda were provided to committee members in advance of the meeting (Attachment F).

131122 AttachF Afternoon.pdf131122 AttachF Afternoon.pdf

03:38 PM

Director Kelley continued her presentation on DORA's philosophy and discussed specifics related to the department's efforts in flood-affected counties. She discussed improvements in the department's performance plan.

03:48 PM

Director Kelley discussed the department's process for stakeholder input.

03:56 PM

Director Kelley discussed the department's 2014 budget requests and its legislative agenda.

04:07 PM

Director Kelley responded to questions from the committee. DORA's Insurance Commissioner Marguerite Salazar came to the table to address committee questions about health insurance. Director Kelley responded to questions about her work as the Wildfire Task Force chair, about plumbing inspections pursuant to Senate Bill 13-162, and about the regulation of public insurance adjusters pursuant to House Bill 13-1062.

04:18 PM

Director Kelley continued to respond to questions from the committee related to real estate professions, and complaint times. Director Kelley concluded her presentation.