Date: 02/20/2012

BILL SUMMARY for HB12-1161


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

07:24 PM

The committee came back to order.

07:25 PM -- House Bill 12-1161

Representative Looper, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 12-1161, this bill prohibits the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) from adopting a water quality standard for nitrogen, phosphorus, or related parameters (nutrients) until the proposed standard is approved by the General Assembly in a bill. The Nutrients Scientific Advisory Board (NSAB) is created, consisting of nine members appointed by the leadership of the General Assembly, all credentialed experts in pollutant effects on human or environmental systems, with at least one member from each water division in the state. By October 1, 2012, the NSAB must hold a public hearing on nutrient standards proposed by the Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The NSAB must deliver a report to the WQCC and General Assembly by February 1, 2013. She distributed Attachments K and L.


The following individuals testified on the bill:

07:31 PM -- Doug Kemper, Colorado Water Congress, spoke in support of the bill and explained the involvement of Colorado Water Congress in the nutrient water quality issue.

07:32 PM --
Jon Hendrick, Centennial Water and Sanitation District, spoke in support of the bill and discussed some of the flaws he believes were used in the data analysis to develop the Water Quality Control Division's proposed nutrient regulations. Mr. Hendrick answered questions from the committee.

07:43 PM --
Jim Heckman, Lower Fountain Metro, spoke in support of the bill and answered questions from the committee.

07:50 PM --
Jim Kendrick, Monument Sanitation District, spoke in support of the bill and discussed the proposed nutrient regulations and the need for an independent scientific review.

07:56 PM --
Dianna Orf, Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado, spoke in support of the bill and explained that rural areas are concerned about the proposed nutrient regulations.

07:57 PM --
Barbara Biggs, Metro Wastewater, spoke in opposition to the bill and explained how total inorganic nitrogen would be regulated under the proposed regulations. Ms. Biggs answered questions from the committee concerning the adequacy of the General Assembly to consider a bill on the proposed nutrient standard as required in the bill.

08:22 PM --
Becky Long, Colorado Environmental Coalition, spoke in opposition to the bill explained that Eva Henry, City of Thornton, Faith Winter, City of Westminster, and Dominick Moreno could not stay but wished to express their opposition and need for certainty in the regulatory environment. She also discussed the some of the changes that have been recently made to the proposed regulations.

08:28 PM --
Steve Gunderson, Water Quality Control Division, spoke in opposition to the bill and spoke about public involvement in the division's rule making process. He also discussed a cost-benefit study that was done in conjunction with the Colorado Water and Power Development Authority. He explained how the division's proposed nutrient standards have been narrowed from the original proposed rules. Mr. Gunderson answered questions from the committee.

08:47 PM

The bill was laid over until Monday, February 27.

08:49 PM

The committee adjourned.