Date: 02/22/2012

Forest Health Report


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07:57 AM -- Forest Health Report

Jeff Jahnke, Colorado State Forester, Colorado State Forest Service, distributed Attachment B, and described the history of the Colorado State Forest Service. He discussed some of the threats to Colorado's Forests including the mountain pine beetle, spruce beetle, douglas-fir beetle, western spruce budworm, and aspen decline. He also discussed the health of forests on the plains. Mr. Jahnke answered questions from the committee.


08:19 AM --
Maribeth Gustafson, Deputy Regional Forester, U.S. Forest Service, introduced forest supervisors and staff with her. She discussed the U.S. Forest Service's strategy for addressing the bark beetle infestation. She also spoke about national forest restoration efforts, collaborative forest landscape restoration projects, economic opportunities from stewardship contracts in national forests, and the role of the timber industry.

08:36 AM --
Nancy Fishering, Colorado Timber Industry, discussed the state of the timber industry in Colorado. She also discussed some of the various efforts in Colorado that have helped to sustain the industry including mutual cancellation options. She discussed how market challenges have affected the timber industry.

08:46 AM

The committee asked questions of the panel concerning the spread of the mountain pine beetle, the removal of fuel load, extending good neighbor agreements and stewardship contracts, beetle kill products, and the affect of the roadless rule on the timber industry.