

Time:10:20 AM to 11:31 AM
Place:HCR 0112
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Bacon
This Report was prepared by
Kerr A.
Kristen Johnson
King K.
Schafer S.
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Joint meeting with the JBC-

10:21 AM -- Joint Education Committee meeting with the Joint Budget Committee pursuant to House Bill 10-1119 (The SMART Government Act) and Joint Rule 25

Senator Bacon, Chair, welcomed the members of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) to the table. He invited Senator Steadman, member of the JBC, to begin the conversation. Senator Steadman introduced four members of the JBC staff: John Ziegler, Staff Director; Patrick Brodhead, Principal Legislative Analyst; Carolyn Kampman, Chief Legislative Analyst; and Craig Harper, Senior Legislative Analyst.

10:25 AM

Committee discussion regarding the Department of Higher Education's (DHE) budget request ensued. Senator Steadman referred the members to page 30 of the Summary of FY 2012-13 Joint Budget Committee Budget Briefings (Attachment A). Senator Steadman stated that the original budget request from the Governor had included about a $60 million reduction to higher education, but that a budget amendment has been received which has restored about $30 million to the budget for work-study and need-based grants. He stated that the only thing remaining before the JBC in terms of balancing DHE's budget is the $29.5 million reduction in operational funding. Finally, he noted that History Colorado, which falls under DHE, has requested additional cash fund spending authority for the opening of the new museum.


10:29 AM

Senator Steadman referenced the JBC briefing summary related to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), pointing to the decision items that start on page 15 (Attachment B). He stated that there are some significant decision items that are still pending. He added that the Governor's budget request had not included money for new assessments, whereas CDE's request does.


Senator Bacon read aloud the recommendations from the Senate Education Committee's letter to the JBC, regarding CDE's budget request (Attachment C).


10:32 AM

Representative Beezley commented that he is concerned about the efforts to sidestep development of new assessments. He stated that money needs to be found to fund the new assessments. Representative Gerou, member of the JBC, commented that the JBC agrees and has concluded that if $7 million can be identified, then CDE can move forward. Representative Gerou stated that conversations are ongoing with the department concerning their request.

10:34 AM

Representative Massey stated, for the record, that the House Education Committee believes there needs to be reconciliation between the Governor's request and CDE's request. Representative Massey commented that the House Education Committee did not make formal recommendations in its letter to the JBC (Attachment D).


Senator Hudak discussed the multi-state consortia that is working to develop assessments. She stated that if we wait another year, we can possibly use the assessments created by the consortia. She added that, in this time of great fiscal restraint, she does not feel that it is wise to spend this money on developing new assessments, as more cuts are being made to public education.

10:36 AM

Senator Johnston continued the discussion about the multi-state consortia. He stated that the consortia develops assessments in the areas of language arts and math, but not for social studies and science. He stated that the state has identified social studies and science as important subjects to assess in Colorado schools. He stated that Colorado will have to develop assessments for these subject areas and that money should be extended to CDE to begin development. He expressed support for deferring to the multi-state consortia for assessments in the language arts and math subject areas. Committee discussion on this topic ensued.

10:41 AM

Senator Steadman commented on the JBC's reliance on the education committees to make policy decisions and set priorities that the JBC can look to in deciding what to fund.

10:43 AM

Senator Bacon commented that he thinks that Colorado needs to partner with other states who are developing these assessments. Representative Massey commented that the committees will continue to discuss the scope of the assessments. Representative Solano expressed concern that we are headed down a very expensive road and that we must be careful to look at all of the needs of K-12 education. She stated that assessments need to be more meaningful to students, especially at the high school level. She added that one CSAP assessment administered at the high school level should be replaced with the Accuplacer assessment.

10:47 AM

Senator Lambert, member of the JBC, commented that there needs to be dialogue with the State Board of Education (SBE) to re-assess where they are. He added that if we are deferring costs into future years, we need to see where we are headed.

10:49 AM

Committee discussion continued about the multi-state consortia. Senator Johnston stated that Colorado is currently a passive member of two consortia. Representative Todd stated that it makes sense to be a part of the consortia, and that the Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) should be used as the assessment tool until we get into the full swing of the consortia. She added that the state doesn't have the money to do something temporary now and then come back to set up a more permanent system later. Senator Bacon stated that the consensus seems to be that we use as much information as we can from other states. Senator Johnston stated that it makes most sense to use the TCAP and then use the consortia for the permanent assessment. Senator Hudak commented that other states do not have the financial literacy standards that Colorado does.

11:00 AM

Representative Massey stated that many districts in Colorado are already assessing financial literacy and that CDE can draw on the best practices of those districts.

Representative Solano reiterated the need to look at the usefulness of high school exams to high school students. She asked if, as we add more and more exams, it is any more meaningful to the students. She added that, in the direction we are headed now, it does not feel more meaningful.

Senator Heath commented that we cannot just back away from assessments, but he is concerned that we can also become obsessed with assessments. He stated that if we are not teaching our kids in the first place, then we will have nothing worthwhile to assess.

Senator Steadman, in response to Senator Bacon's question of what additional information the JBC needs from the education committees, stated that the more conversations the committee can have on these policy topics, the better. He said that the JBC is responsible for figuring out how to fund the mandates in law.

Representative Todd commented that we should let the states that won Race to the Top funds guide our work in Colorado in this arena.

11:11 AM

The committee again discussed the discrepancy between the Governor's budget request and CDE's request. Representative Gerou stated that the JBC spoke with CDE and SBE and asked if $7 million would make them happy and allow them to begin work on assessments; they said yes.

Senator King stated that, if there is a policy decision that should be made, it is that all students should be ready to go on to postsecondary education. He stated that the Accuplacer assessment gives students the chance to find out if they are ready and to receive remediation, if necessary, while they are still attending high school, so they can graduate as college-ready. He added that this is the best investment we can make in the state.

11:20 AM

Senator Steadman discussed legislation that is being brought forward by the JBC concerning state trust land revenue that goes to support public education. Committee discussion concerning the general fund and permanent fund ensued.

Senator Steadman stated that statute provides that the education committees may provide feedback to the JBC concerning how moneys are allocated to categorical programs.

11:29 AM

Senator Bacon made closing remarks and the committee adjourned.