Date: 09/07/2012

Final Nutrient Regulations


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09:02 AM

Representative Sonnenberg, chairman of the committee, called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.

09:02 AM -- Final Nutrient Regulations

Steve Gunderson, Director, Water Quality Control Division, discussed the rulemaking process for the nutrient regulations (Attachments A and B). At its June 12, 2012, rulemaking hearing, the Water Quality Control Commission amended its regulation concerning basic standards and methodologies for surface water to address nutrients. It also adopted a new nutrients management control regulation (Regulation 85) that establishes numerical effluent limitations for domestic wastewater treatment plants and other wastewater dischargers that use active treatment and are likely to have significant levels of nutrients in their discharges. Regulation 85 also describes steps to be taken by other point source dischargers and nonpoint sources to address nutrients. Finally, it established monitoring requirements for point source dischargers and a program aimed at monitoring surface waters for nutrients and related parameters. Mr. Gunderson explained that Regulation 85 would be applied to dischargers as their permits expire.

Attachment A.pdf Attachment B.pdf

09:05 AM

Sarah Johnson, Standards Unit Manager, Water Quality Control Division, described the monitoring requirements in Regulation 85 and identified affected dischargers.

09:10 AM

Mr. Gunderson responded to questions from the committee about the facilities in Colorado that would be affected by the nutrient regulations. Ms. Johnson also responded to questions about the monitoring requirement in Regulation 85 that will be used to determine how much nutrients are being discharged and the impact of these discharges on affected bodies of water. Mr. Gunderson also responded to questions about the potential cost to affected dischargers to comply with the new regulations.