Date: 08/22/2012

Prescribed Burns and Air Quality Regulations


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:03 AM -- Prescribed Burns and Air Quality Regulations

Mr. Will Allison, Director of the Air Pollution Control Division in the Department of Public Health and Environment, and Mr. Gordon Pierce, Technical Services Program Manager for the division, briefed the commission on air quality regulations and the impact on prescribed burns. Commission members received copies of the slides used during the presentation (Attachment F). Mr. Allison discussed issues associated with managing smoke during prescribed burns, and the impacts of smoke on air quality. Mr. Allison provided background on the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act and federal air quality regulations, and discussed the implementation of a haze reduction plan in Colorado in 2011.


11:14 AM

Mr. Pierce briefed the commission on the Colorado Smoke Management Program, and discussed the division's process to grant permits for prescribed burns. Mr. Pierce discussed the health impacts of ambient smoke, and provided further detail about smoke permits granted by the division. Mr. Pierce discussed the conditions associated with pile burns and broadcast burns.

11:24 AM

Mr. Pierce continued to brief the commission on the conditions associated with smoke permits granted by the Air Pollution Control Division, and provided an overview of the permits granted by the division in recent years. Mr. Pierce discussed the number of prescribed burns conducted in the western United States, and the times of the week and year prescribed burns are typically conducted. Mr. Pierce outlined the potential points of disagreement between the division and entities conducting prescribed burns, and discussed other challenges associated with conducting prescribed burns. Mr. Pierce also outlined the trade-offs between air quality and forest health during prescribed burns, and discussed smoke complaints associated with prescribed burns.

11:34 AM

Mr. Pierce provided a recent history of the review of Colorado's Smoke Program, and the impact of House Bill 09-1199 on the state's Smoke Program. Discussion ensued regarding avenues for reducing fuel loads in forested areas while maintaining air quality, and potential legislative changes that could help resolve this issue. Mr. Allison and Mr. Pierce responded to questions regarding the smoke permitting process. Discussion continued between the commission members concerning the trade offs between air quality and conducting prescribed burns to maintain forest health.

11:49 AM

Mr. Pierce responded to questions regarding air quality and weather monitoring of prescribed burns. Mr. Pierce and Mr. Allison also responded to questions regarding communication between government entities and neighboring communities concerning prescribed burns. Discussion ensued about the potential for placing additional conditions on smoke permits granted for prescribed burns regarding situational conditions such as weather, and increasing the level of involvement by the Air Pollution Control Division in prescribed burns.

12:01 PM

Discussion ensued regarding tensions in state law between air quality and prescribed burns, and the potential for improving the policy.

12:05 PM

The commission recessed.