Date: 08/21/2012

Public Utilities Commission Presentation


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09:54 AM -- Public Utilities Commission Presentation

Mr. Douglas Dean and Ms. Pam Fischhaber, representing the Public Utilities Commission, came to the table. Attachment B was distributed to the committee. According to Mr. Dean, in order for the state's Safety Oversight Program to be in compliance with federal law, the PUC can no longer receive funds from the Regional Transportation District (RTD) to cover its costs. He continued that the new federal law will provide federal funds to pay for up to 80 percent of the program's costs and said the PUC is working with the Governor's Office to determine where the remaining 20 percent of program costs will come from. Mr. Dean said the program currently costs about $150,000 and in order to receive the $120,000 in federal funds, the state will need to adjust its laws prior to October 2013, when the program is audited. He continued that failure to change state statute and comply with federal will jeopardize RTD's ability to receive federal funds.


Representative Ramirez asked whether it is certain the state will receive the full 80 percent, or estimated $120,000, from federal sources. Ms. Fischhaber said the formula should be determined by the end of this year, but they expect it will be the full 80 percent. Representative Ramirez asked where the RTD moneys will go now that they can no longer go to the PUC. Mr. Dean responded that RTD will be able to keep them.

Representative Vaad commented that the federal moneys being used to pay the PUC will come out of the federal equivalent of the HUTF, meaning there will be less federal moneys available for state highway programs. Discussion ensued.

Representative Brown asked about the role of Colorado's Senate delegation in this new federal law. Mr. Dean responded that he wasn't sure other than he didn't believe they were involved in the conference committee.

10:03 AM

Representative Vaad recessed the committee until 10:10 am.