Date: 01/26/2012

Presentation by the State Auditor's Office


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10:23 AM -- Presentation by the State Auditor's Office

Representative Vaad, chair, called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.

10:24 AM --
Kerry Hunter, representing the Office of the State Auditor (OSA), came to the table. Ms. Hunter spoke about the six audit recommendations for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) (Attachment A). Ms. Hunter indicated that the OSA has determined that the CDOT has implemented all six recommendations. She discussed the audit process as conducted by her office.


10:27 AM

Representative Vaad commented on departmental audits and asked if the OSA will be tracking audits under House Bill 10-1119, the SMART Government Act ("SMART Act"). Ms. Hunter responded that the OSA has started an audit related to the SMART Act statewide. Ms. Hunter discussed financial statement audits and performance audits.

Representative Vaad asked if there was any public testimony. There was no one signed up to testify.