Date: 09/05/2012

Summary of Timber Industry and Forest Health Legislation


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:10 AM -- Summary of Timber Industry and Forest Health Legislation

The commission returned to order. Senator Gail Schwartz provided a summary of Senate Bill 11-267, the viability of the timber industry, and legislation related to tax incentives for forest health and forest products. Committee members received a memorandum entitled "Colorado Tax Incentives Related to Forestry and Forest Products," prepared by the Office of Legislative Legal Services (Attachment B). Senator Schwartz discussed the efforts associated with the referenced legislation, including the work of the Forest Biomass Use Work Group (SB 11-267 work group). Senator Schwartz discussed the use of biomass as a renewable energy, and the reasons for convening the SB 11-267 work group. Senator Schwartz discussed reasons that the timber industry has suffered in recent years.


11:20 AM

Senator Schwartz discussed the recommendations of the SB 11-267 work group, and certain economic incentives created by the General Assembly to support the timber industry. Senator Schwartz discussed recent developments in the timber and biomass industries in Colorado, and the ramifications of allowing felled trees to remain on the forest floor rather than removing them. Senator Schwartz responded to questions regarding the viability of biomass as a renewable fuel.

11:31 AM

Discussion continued regarding the viability of biomass as a renewable energy, and its competitiveness with other energy sources. Discussion followed regarding the ability to reforest the Lower North Fork burn area, and resources available to homeowners to assist in this reforestation. Senator Schwartz responded to questions regarding community reaction to efforts to remove fuel build-up from neighboring forests, and the ability to remove such fuel from low-access areas.

11:42 AM

Senator Schwartz returned to briefing the commission on the use of biomass as a renewable fuel. Discussion ensued regarding potential funding sources for forest health initiatives