Date: 03/01/2012

BILL SUMMARY for HB12-1297


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

03:41 PM -- House Bill 12-1297

Representative Gardner, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 12-1297 concerning the Committee on Anticompetitive Conduct (CAC). The bill implements one recommendation of the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) in its 2011 sunset review of professional review committees. The bill repeals the CAC, a subcommittee of the Colorado Medical Board in the DORA.

Representative Gardner indicated that he has heard from a number of medical professionals who do not want the CAC to be eliminated. He expressed his opinion that the current form and structure of the CAC is not particularly useful and needs to be modified if it continues to exist. He responded to questions from the committee about continuing the functions of the CAC.

03:57 PM --
Brian Tobias, representing DORA, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Tobias discussed the sunset review of the CAC that was conducted in 2011 and explained the factors considered by DORA during the review process. He discussed the functions and process of the CAC and indicated that the CAC process is used infrequently; it has been used 11 times in 26 years. Colorado is the only state that uses a CAC process. Mr. Tobias responded to questions from the committee.

04:09 PM --
Anne Cox, representing COPIC, testified in support of continuing the CAC in a modified form. Ms. Cox responded to questions from the committee.

04:17 PM

The committee continued to discuss a potential modified form of the CAC.

04:20 PM

Representative Gardner asked for the bill to be laid over for action at a later date.

04:23 PM

The committee adjourned.