Date: 01/23/2012

Review of Budget/Strategic Plan by DHE


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04:44 PM -- Review of Budget/Strategic Plan by DHE

Chad Marturano, Director of Legislative Affairs, and Mark Cavanaugh, Chief Financial Officer, Colorado Department of Higher Education (DHE), came to the table to provide a brief review of DHE's FY 2012-13 budget request and strategic plan. They provided two handouts to the members of the committee: a letter from the governing boards and DHE's strategic plan (Attachments O and P). Mr. Cavanaugh stated that originally the budget request included a $61 million reduction for FY 2012-13; however, that has been amended by the Governor by withdrawing the request to reduce financial aid by about $30 million. Mr. Marturano noted that the funding request for the higher education system for FY 2012-13 is $489 million, down from the current fiscal year funding level of $519 million, and less than the funding level in FY 2005-06 which was $555 million.

HseEd0123AttachO.pdf HseEd0123AttachP.pdf

Mr. Cavanaugh responded to questions from the committee about enrollment, tuition costs to students, and efficiency.

04:55 PM -- Review of Budget/Strategic Plan by History Colorado

Edward Nichols, President and Chief Executive Officer, History Colorado, came to the table to provide a brief update on History Colorado's budget request. He provided a handout to the committee (Attachment Q). Mr. Nichols responded to questions from the committee about the types of exhibits that will be housed in the new History Colorado museum.


05:02 PM

Representative Massey made closing remarks. The committee adjourned.