Date: 01/20/2011

Presentation by the Public Utilities Commission


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10:54 AM -- Presentation by the Public Utilities Commission

Senator Hudak called the meeting back to order. Director Doug Dean, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), presented to the committee. Director Dean introduced himself and members of the PUC staff. He discussed the history and statutory responsibilities of the PUC. Presentation copies were provided to the committee (Attachment A).


11:05 AM

Director Dean discussed the PUC's adjudication hearings and introduced relevant staff persons. He further discussed recent taxicab carrier applications and PUC determinations.

11:12 AM

Director Dean discussed the PUC budget and funding sources. Director Dean responded to questions from committee members. Senator Renfroe discussed potential legislation regarding the PUC and asked Director Dean to comment on recent news regarding PUC commissioner consultations with private entities.

11:22 AM

Representative Vaad asked Director Dean to comment on other states' practices regarding funding of similar commissions and agencies to the PUC.

11:31 AM

Senator Spence discussed prior bills impacting the PUC. Senator King discussed a potential audit of the PUC. Director Dean provided information on previous audits and compliance with an audit authorized by the General Assembly. Senator Renfroe asked what the PUC is doing to control energy rate increases. Director Dean elaborated on statutory requirements that the PUC must operate within. Senator Schwartz asked Director Dean to comment on balancing of long- and short-term considerations regarding utility rates.

11:41 AM

Representative Tyler discussed constituent concerns regarding utility rate structures.

11:47 AM

Senator Hudak asked for witnesses wishing to testify.

11:48 AM --
Mr. Tom Russell, representing Mile High Cab, provided testimony related to taxicab carrier regulation. Mr. Russell discussed processes related to Mile High Cab's carrier application to the PUC. Copies of testimony were provided to the committee (Attachment B).


11:53 AM --
Mr. Edem Archibong, representing Mile High Cab, provided testimony regarding taxicab carrier regulation and treatment of new market entrants.

11:57 AM --
Mr. Abdi A. Buni, representing Union Taxi, provided testimony regarding taxicab carrier regulation. Mr. Buni stated concerns relating to taxicab market entry.

12:01 PM --
Mr. Robert Hardaway, representing himself, provided testimony regarding taxicab carrier regulation. Mr. Hardaway stated concerns regarding administrative law rulings related to fares and the public interest.

12:06 PM --
Senator Hudak asked Director Dean to respond to the public testimony. Director Dean responded to questions from committee members.

12:09 PM

The committee adjourned.