

Time:01:35 PM to 02:24 PM
Place:SCR 354
This Meeting was called to order by
Georgianna Contiguglia
This Report was prepared by
Jennifer Thomsen
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Approval of Minutes
Replacement of Video Monitor in Mr. Brown's Attic
Dome Renovation Project Update
Update Items

01:35 PM -- Call to Order and Approval of Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Ms. Georgianna Contiguglia, Chair. Ms. Contiguglia introduced the committee's new member, Ms. Cindi Markwell, Secretary of the Senate.

As a quorum was not present, the minutes were approved by consensus.

01:37 PM -- Replacement of Video Monitor in Mr. Brown's Attic

Ms. Theresa Holst, Manager of Visitor Services, came to the table to ask permission to replace a monitor in Mr. Brown's Attic that is no longer functional. Ms. Holst provided an estimate of the cost of the replacement (Attachment A). Ms. Contiguglia reported that there is sufficient money in the committee's fund to pay for the $254 monitor. A quorum was not present, but those committee members in attendance approved the purchase.

Attachment A.pdf

01:40 PM

Ms. Holst further reported that the can capitol in Mr. Brown's Attic has been removed and asked whether the kiosk currently housed in the basement could be moved to the attic. Mr. Nichols asked for information about the current usage of the kiosk in the basement. Ms. Holst reported that the voting desk in the attic gets a lot of use and she believes the kiosk would as well. Ms. Eddins noted that disabled visitors might not be able to access the kiosk in the attic. The committee discussed the possibility of making the program that runs on the kiosk available in the Legislative Council library.

Mr. Hite asked for further information about the program that runs on the kiosk. Ms. Holst responded, describing the activities available for visitors on the kiosk. Mr. Lee said it would have to be determined whether there is enough power in the attic to run the kiosk. Ms. Holst responded to a question from Mr. Nichols about the mechanics of the kiosk. Ms. Contiguglia asked the committee whether there is agreement, if the issues brought up by the committee can be addressed, that it would be desirable to move the kiosk. The committee agreed that the issue should be studied further. Ms. Holst also suggested that the computer at the third floor dome tour desk could be used to make the program available to disabled visitors.

01:47 PM

Ms. Contiguglia asked Ms. Holst to check into the issues that were raised and come back to the committee at its next meeting. Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, reported that there are six computers in the Legislative Council library for public use. Representative Riesberg noted that the door to the library may be difficult for disabled visitors to maneuver around, so having the program available on the third floor would be more accessible for disabled visitors. Mr. Lee noted that if an automatic door opener were required for the library, that would be an expensive proposition.

01:49 PM

Representative Stephens joined the meeting and Ms. Contiguglia asked committee members to introduce themselves to her.

01:50 PM -- Dome Renovation Project Update

Mr. James Hare, Colorado Preservation, Inc. (CPI), came to the table to update the committee on the Share in the Care fund-raising campaign. He provided a copy of the campaign brochure, the Share in the Care Colorado quarterly report to the Capital Development Committee (CDC), and a media summary of the Share in the Care Colorado campaign kick-off (Attachments B, C, and D, respectively). Representative Riesberg joined Mr. Hare at the table.

Attachment B.pdf Attachment C.pdf Attachment D.pdf

Mr. Hare provided background information about the fundraising campaign for the benefit of the committee's new members. He reported that a text messaging campaign had been launched through mGive. It will allow people to donate $5 to the campaign by texting DOME to 50555.

Mr. Hare described the two pieces of legislation related to the fundraising campaign: House Bill 10-1402, which authorized the fund-raising campaign, and SB10-192, which allows State Historical Fund moneys to be appropriated for the dome renovation project if sufficient funds are not raised through the campaign. Mr. Hare described the role and membership of the campaign committee, of which Mr. Hank Brown is honorary chair, and the fund-raising task force.

01:55 PM

Mr. Hare reported that two corporate proposals, amounting to about $1 million, have been made. He explained that the task force gave him permission to make proposals and the task force will review any contracts or agreements resulting from the proposals. He noted that two proposals had been received regarding an official media partner for the campaign: 9News and CBS 4.

Mr. Hare reported on donations thus far to the campaign. He said $1,510 in donations arrived in the mail today. The cell phone campaign to date has totalled $1,725. $3,860 has come to the campaign through on-line donations. The total individual donations to date are $12,370. He explained that the donations are currently being held at Colorado Business Bank, and noted that he is currently seeking a bank to be a corporate partner.

Mr. Hare went on to report that CPI is assisting in funding the production of a DVD documentary of the history of the Capitol building. He said a trailer of the film would be shown at the Saving Places conference in February. He talked about the money that has been raised for that purpose.

02:00 PM

Mr. Hare responded to committee questions. Mr. Nichols asked who will fill Ms. Lisa Esgar's role in the fund-raising task force. Ms. Donaldson said the Governor's Office will appoint a replacement.

Mr. Hare said that on Friday, February 4, Representative Riesberg will help introduce the architects at a breakfast meeting at the Saving Places conference.

Mr. Nichols congratulated CPI on the kickoff meeting on Wednesday, January 19.

Representative Riesberg commented on the scaffolding being erected and the forensic investigation that is being started. He also talked about the Colorado companies that are working on the project. Ms. Contiguglia commented on the progress on the dome restoration project, the new history museum, and the new justice center.

02:05 PM -- Update Items

Presidential portraits. Ms. Contiguglia reported that the portrait of President Obama being painted by Ms. Sarah Boardman is underway. She noted that a charcoal sketch had been approved. Ms. Jennifer Thomsen, Legislative Council Staff, reported that an interview with Ms. Boardman was broadcast on Colorado Public Radio on Friday, January 21.

Governor portraits. Mr. Lee reported that the portraits have been taken down, the walls will be painted, and the portraits rehung in chronological order. He noted that he has been working with Ms. Jil Rosentrater from Creative Industries on rehanging the portraits and the portrait of Governor Ritter will be unveiled in early February. Ms. Thomsen reported that a plaque will be provided for the portrait of Governor Romer as well.

Ms. Contiguglia asked whether the Governor's portraits will be cleaned before they are rehung. Mr. Lee said the portraits will be cleaned and the hanging materials will be replaced. Mr. Nichols asked whether a standard size should be used. Ms. Thomsen reminded the committee that it does not have jurisdiction over the Governor's portraits, but has provided suggested guidelines. Mr. Lee suggested that whomever funds future portraits should pay to rehang the existing portraits as they are moved. The committee suggested amending the guidelines related to the portraits so they will not need to be moved in the future.

Publications. Ms. Contiguglia reported that sales are good.

Other business. Mr. Hite asked whether new legislators had been briefed about the committee. Ms. Thomsen reported that the committee's brochure is being updated and will be provided to all legislators.

The committee discussed issues around temporary displays on the first floor and asked Ms. Thomsen to find out who will be responsible for approving such displays under the new administration.

02:24 PM

The committee adjourned.