Date: 10/28/2010

Other Business


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:45 PM -- Other Business

Voting desk. Ms. Contiguglia told the committee that the voting desk has been installed in Mr. Brown's Attic.

Presidential portraits. Ms. Contiguglia said that the money is in hand to pay the artist for the portrait of President Obama. She also said that letters of thanks have been sent to the Clinton Library and the Mayor and Mrs. Webb.

Moon rock display. The committee discussed whether or not the moon rocks should be displayed in the building. Representative Weissmann explained that he found the moon rocks in the basement at the old Colorado History Museum. Ms. Nichols asked who owns the moon rocks and Ms. Eddins said that the plaque attached to the moon rock case reads, "People of the State of Colorado." Mr. Nichols said that the plaque would need to name to the history museum in order for the moon rocks to belong to the museum and to be displayed there permanently. He said any discussion of where to display the moon rocks must include a discussion of security and that he didn't think there should be public access to the moon rocks no matter where they are displayed. Representative Weissmann said he would like the moon rocks displayed in the State Capitol building. Ms. Contiguglia suggested that the moon rocks could be displayed outside the Governor's office. Representative Weissmann suggested that another niche in the rotunda of the Capitol be secured for the display and suggested that the committee contact companies like Lockheed Martin or Ball Aerospace to see if they would donate to help design a secure display. Ms. Contiguglia asked Ms. Eddins to make contact with some private firms to see if they would be willing to donate, and to calculate an estimate of the total cost to secure the moon rocks.

Next meeting. The committee will next meet January 21, 2011.

1:55 PM

The committee adjourned.