Date: 12/01/2010

CCHE Presentation of FY 2011-12 Capital Projects


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

09:49 AM -- Colorado Commission on Higher Education Presentation of FY 2011-12 Capital Projects

Mr. Dan Krug, Director of Capital Assets and Compliance, Department of Higher Education, and Dr. Patricia Pacey, Commissioner, Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE), presented CCHE's FY 2011-12 capital construction priorities. Mr. Krug provided opening remarks, and Dr. Pacey provided an overview of CCHE's capital prioritization process, and discussed future activity to be undertaken on the list by CCHE and OSPB. Dr. Pacey next discussed higher education's FY 2011-12 cash-funded capital requests. Discussion ensued regarding fees assessed on students for capital projects, and the lengths of the terms for assessing these fees. Mr. Greg Stevinson, Commissioner, CCHE, provided input regarding student capital construction fees.

10:00 AM

Discussion continued regarding student capital fees, the projects constructed using the fee proceeds, and the economic conditions that have led students to self-assess these fees. Mr. Krug discussed the recent increase in enrollment at higher education institutions, which is driving a need for expanded capital assets at these institutions. Mr. Krug then briefed the committee on higher education's capital needs, and explained how the institutions are coping with controlled maintenance needs on their campuses.

10:11 AM

Mr. Krug responded to questions regarding how CCHE factored controlled maintenance needs into its capital construction prioritization process.

10:14 AM

The committee recessed.