Date: 05/21/2010



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09:50 AM -- Updates

Dome Renovation Legislation. Ms. Jennifer Thomsen, Legislative Council Staff, explained that both House Bill 10-1402 and Senate Bill 10-192 (Attachments C and D) concerning the renovation of the Capitol dome passed. She asked Representative Weissmann and Mr. Nichols to discuss the negotiations around the bills. Mr. Nichols explained that the bills allow a cause marketing program to raise funds for the restoration that would backfill moneys taken from the State Historical Fund, up to $4 million per year. He said the first year will include a $4 million initial expenditure from the State Historical Fund.

Attachment C.pdf Attachment D.pdf

Ms. Contiguglia asked Mr. Lee to keep the committee updated on the project moving forward. Ms. Donaldson noted that neither bill passed with an appropriation, so the Capital Development Committee will need to approve the project. Mr. Jim Hare, Executive Director of Colorado Preservation Inc., the nonprofit organization that will conduct the cause marketing campaign, said he wants to come back to the committee fairly quickly with a mark and name for the campaign. He said "Share in the Care" has been suggested. He said he wants the mark to be visible on the scaffolding to illuminate the campaign and noted that he would be fleshing out sponsorship opportunities. Ms. Contiguglia and Mr. Hare discussed a time frame for the cause marketing proposal, and Mr. Hare said he could have a proposal in a month's time.

Ms. Donaldson noted that the purpose of the August Capital Development Committee meeting is to consider the Capitol Building Advisory Committee's recommendations related to the cause marketing proposal. Mr. Hare said a bill signing is scheduled for May 25, 2010, at noon in Mr. Brown's Attic, and he talked about ways the dome scaffolding could be used to provide visibility for other programs and causes.

10:00 AM

Display of State Key. Ms. Contiguglia reminded the committee that the Governor's Office wants to display the state key. She displayed a photo of the key (Attachment E). She said she has suggested that the key be displayed in a niche on the west side of the first floor rotunda that is currently occupied by the bust of William Lee Knous. She noted that the pedestal for the bust is damaged and will need to be replaced. She said there would be a proposal to display the key at some point for the committee to consider. Mr. Weingardt asked for further information about how the key would be displayed. Ms. Contiguglia said it would be on a granite base and surrounded by plexiglass and would have a security "bug" on it. Mr. Lee said it will not be attached to the marble, but it will be very heavy and the cameras and the security "bug" will provide security. Mr. Lee noted that the weight of the pedestal will need to be ascertained so it can be determined whether the marble will support it.

Attachment E.pdf

10:05 AM

Abraham Lincoln Sculpture. Ms. Contiguglia told the committee that Legislative Council Staff has been investigating the origin of the sculpture of Abraham Lincoln that is located on the first floor. She said the Madden family, who donated the sculpture, has been contacted and asked to provide loan paperwork. She noted that Governor Evans was appointed by President Lincoln, so there is a Colorado connection.

10:06 AM

Bike Sharing Station. Mr. Lee provide a brief history of the bike sharing station proposal. The committee was provided a handout containing an overview of the program (Attachment F). He talked about the different locations that had been suggested for a bike station on the Capitol grounds. He said there were two proposed locations: the west side of the Legislative Service Building main steps; or on the north side of the State Education Building where there is currently a parking lot for scooters. He noted that the State Education Building location location has the infrastructure for power. He said the Attorney General's Office is reviewing the agreement with the City and County of Denver.

Attachment F.pdf

Mr. Nichols asked for clarification that the bike stations are solar. Mr. Lee said they require a 120 outlet. Representative Weissmann asked whether there is room on the east side of the state parking structure. Mr. Nichols said delivery trucks and waste removal are in that area. The committee discussed alternate locations for the station, including the pay parking lot on Grant across from the Capitol.

10:15 AM

Cafe Upholstery Project. Ms. Contiguglia said the project is underway and also noted that the voting booth for Mr. Brown's Attic is nearly ready for installation.

10:16 AM

Other Business. Representative Weissmann reported that the Clinton portait has been deeded to the State Capitol. He also reported that he has raised about half of the money needed for the Obama portrait. Mr. Weingardt asked if the artist had been notified that there is need for only one portrait. Representative Weissmann said Jil Rosentrater from the Colorado Council on the Arts is working on the contract with the artist.

10:19 AM

Ms. Contiguglia told the committee there would not be a meeting in June, but the committee would meet the third Friday of July and of September. The next meeting will be July 23, 2010, at 1:30 p.m.

10:22 AM

Mr. Nichols asked about the status of the Enos Mills sculpture. Ms. Contiguglia updated the committee on discussions with the artist, Bonnie Fulford Stewart. She said Ms. Fulford Stewart was asked to come back to the committee when they have a plan to raise money for the sculpture. The committee discussed possibilities for holding money raised by Ms. Fulford Stewart, including whether the Department of Personnel and Administration or the General Assembly had a fund that could be used. Mr. Hite said the 100th anniversary of Rocky Mountain National Park is in 2015, and that might be a good time for the artist to try to raise funds.

10:26 AM

Ms. Eddins reported that there have been no meetings yet on the gift shop issue.

Mr. Lee said there has been a hearing on the rules related to permits for use of the Capitol grounds. The amended rule proposes that no parking will be allowed on the granite on the west side of the building for permitted events. Ms. Contiguglia asked for a letter alerting people in the building to the new rule and explaining the preservation reasons necessitating the rule. Mr. Lee said he would explain it at a Capitol tenant meeting.

Mr. Lee said when the State History building was cleared out prior to demolition, some items of furniture were brought to the Capitol. He said Mr. Joseph Bell of the Historical Society is working with him to identify furniture that is historic to the Capitol. Mr. Lee said when he gets the list he wants to go through the storage room and keep what needs to be kept and get rid of the rest. Mr. Lee noted that there are many historic books in the subbasement that need to be looked at and saved elsewhere. Mr. Nichols encouraged Mr. Lee to work with Mr. Bell to resolve these issues.

10:33 AM

The committee adjourned.

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