Date: 03/30/2010

Department of Personnel and Administration


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11:01 AM -- Department of Personnel and Administration

Representative Lambert discussed the Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA) on page 219 of the narrative. He talked about reappropriated funds to the Office of Information Technology (OIT). Representative Gagliardi asked about the furlough days. She also asked whether all of the money that is moving around for the OIT consolidation and the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) is consolidated anywhere. Representative Lambert directed the committee to the note on page 29 that explains the OIT staff transfers from other offices into the OIT under the Office of the Governor. Representative Gagliardi asked about the dollar amounts associated with the transfers. Representative Ferrandino explained that page 80 of the narrative explains the money involved in the transfer of the OIT and CBMS.

11:07 AM

Representative Bradford mentioned a discussion the committee had during its briefing from DPA earlier this session regarding part-time-employees who are currently receiving full-time benefits and whether anything came out of that discussion. Representative Ferrandino explained that a statutory change would be needed to address that issue and therefore it is not included in the long bill. Representative Bradford asked whether anyone is carrying a bill that would change that statute. Representative Ferrandino said there is no bill at this time that addresses that issue. Representative Bradford stated that about $10 to $14 million dollars could be saved if that issue is addressed. Representative Rice stated that the committee can have the DPA come back in front of the committee and discuss that issue in the next couple of weeks. Representative Liston asked why the DPA's Executive Director's Office's budget is increasing by 17.7 percent. Representative Ferrandino explained that the money is a result in consolidating the OIT and is just money moving around from department to department. Representative Liston also asked what the standard rate for IT is on a fiscal note. Representative Ferrandino explained that the in-house rate is approximately $39 and it is about $70 if the service is outsourced. Representative Middleton talked about higher education flexibility in procurement and asked whether that has been looked at for other departments, such as DPA. Representative Ferrandino responded. Representative Lambert weighed in as well. Representative Rice suggested that when the DPA comes before the committee to discuss the employee benefit issue that they also address the procurement issue.