Date: 04/27/2010

BILL SUMMARY for HB10-1420


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

01:46 PM -- House Bill 10-1420

The committee returned to order. Representative Peniston, prime sponsor of House Bill 10-1420, discussed the merits of the bill. The bill requires the Department of Revenue to place a penalty on driver improvement schools that fail to collect or remit fees from students sentenced to attend classes. Representative Peniston responded to questions from committee members. Copies of Amendments L.001 and L.002 and a handout was provided to the committee (Attachments B, C and D).

10HseTran0427AttachB.pdf 10HseTran0427AttachC.pdf 10HseTran0427AttachD.pdf

01:56 PM

Representative McFadyen asked for witnesses to testify regarding the bill.

01:58 PM --
Mr. Mark Whitney, representing the National Corrective Training Institute, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Whitney discussed municipalities' opposition to the bill. Handouts were provided to the committee (Attachment E).


02:03 PM --
Mr. John Anderson, representing the Colorado State Patrol Family Foundation, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Anderson discussed the burden of surcharges and the bill's impact on oversight and fairness. Mr. Anderson commented on the proposed amendments. He requested that the committee not approve the bill.

02:14 PM

Mr. Anderson and Mr. Whitney responded to questions from committee members.

02:19 PM --
Mr. Geoff Blue, representing the Office of Attorney General, testified regarding the history of the Defensive Driving School Fund. He spoke about a review by his office of last year's legislation, House Bill 09-1246. He spoke about the possibility that a court would determine whether the matter was an issue of statewide concern relative to decisions by a home rule county. Mr. Blue responded to questions from committee members.

02:26 PM --
Ms. Lori Benallo, representing the Department of Revenue, came to the table to explain the department's implementation of last year's legislation. She said that the department had to rely on self reporting because it had no way to know who had been referred to a driver improvement school by a court. She responded to questions about what would help the department and said that the department was in a position of receiving funds, but had no way of tracking the schools and who is in enrolled. She also spoke to questions regarding the lack of regulation around driver improvement schools.

02:33 PM

Representative McFadyen said that the bill would be laid over until Thursday, April 29, 2010. Representative Peniston made final comments in regard to the bill.

02:37 PM

The committee recessed.