Date: 03/23/2010

BILL SUMMARY for HB10-1281


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

03:11 PM -- House Bill 10-1281

Representative Casso, prime sponsor of House Bill 10-1281, discussed the merits of the bill. The bill would require that wireless telecommunications, cable telephone service, and voice-over-internet-protocol be considered as similar services to land line providers. Representative Casso responded to questions from committee members. Copies of Amendments L.010 and L.011 and a handout were provided to the committee (Attachments I, J, and K).

10HseTran0323AttachI.pdf 10HseTran0323AttachJ.pdf 10HseTran0323AttachK.pdf

03:14 PM

Representative McFadyen asked for witnesses to testify regarding the bill.

03:14 PM --
Mr. Bill Levis, representing the Department of Regulatory Affairs (DORA), Office of Consumer Counsel, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Levis responded to questions from committee members. Representative Merrifield asked Mr. Levis to provide further background on the bill.

03:23 PM --
Mr. Stephen Merrill, representing the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Merrill responded to questions from committee members.

03:31 PM --
Mr. Greg Sopkin, representing Comcast, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Sopkin provided background on federal and state oversight and regulation of the communications industry.

03:42 PM

Mr. Sopkin discussed the bill's impact on regulation by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). He further stated concerns with the bill's provisions and responded to questions from committee members. Representative Tyler asked Mr. Sopkin to comment on Amendment L.010.

03:49 PM --
Mr. Patrick Fucik, representing Sprint, testified in opposition to the bill. Handouts were provided to the committee members (Attachment L).


03:56 PM --
Mr. Jeff Weist, representing Colorado Cable Television Association, testified in opposition to the bill. Handouts were provided to the committee members (Attachment M). Mr. Weist responded to questions from committee members.


04:07 PM

Representative Looper asked Mr. Weist to comment on dial-tone service provided in various regions of the state. Representative Looper stated concerns regarding phone service availability in rural areas.

04:19 PM

Representative Frangas asked Mr. Weist to comment on service rates.

04:24 PM --
Mr. John McCormick and Mr. Tim Goodwin, representing Qwest, testified in support of the bill. Mr. McCormick discussed the bill's impact on Qwest services.

04:37 PM

Mr. McCormick and Mr. Goodwin responded to questions from committee members. Representative Frangas asked Mr. McCormick to comment on the bill's impact on rate-setting processes.

04:49 PM

Representative Fischer asked Mr. McCormick to comment on service areas. Representative King commented on rate-setting.

05:00 PM

Mr. Goodwin discussed challenges in providing residential service. Mr. McCormick discussed increasing competition in recent years.

05:10 PM

Representative McFadyen discussed amendments to the bill and expressed concerns.

05:15 PM --
Mr. Pete Kirchhof, representing the Colorado Telecommunications Association, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Kirchhof responded to questions from committee members.

05:23 PM --
Director Doug Dean, PUC, testified regarding the bill. Director Dean provided background on regulation of the telecommunications industry. A handout was provided to the committee (Attachment N).


05:33 PM

Director Dean responded to questions from committee members. Representative Tyler asked Director Dean to comment on PUC high cost funds.

05:43 PM

Representative McFadyen laid the bill over to a later date.