Date: 04/05/2010

Long Bill Presentation -- Capital Construction


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03:11 PM -- Long Bill Presentation -- Capital Construction

The committee was called to order. The Senate members of the committee met with members of the Joint Budget Committee to discuss the capital construction section of the 2010 Long Bill, House Bill 10-1376. Senator White, Joint Budget Committee, said there are limited moneys available for capital construction for FY 2010-11 and referred the committee to the table on page 293 of the Long Bill Narrative. The Long Bill Narrative is available on the Joint Budget Committee's website. Senator Bacon explained that the Capital Development Committee is grateful that there were moneys to fund part of the Level I Controlled Maintenance request for FY 2010-11. He then summarized the other projects recommended for funding in the 2010 Long Bill. Senator Tapia, Joint Budget Committee, commented on the role of the Capital Development Committee during the last economic downturn. Discussion ensued about the limited moneys available for capital construction and about deferred maintenance in the state's buildings.

03:17 PM

The committee adjourned.