
TIME: 08:41:14 AM
MOTION:Limit the fees collected for the next two years to investingating up to 5 physicians per year. Page 2, paragraph (b), before "physicians" insert "up to 5", after physicians insert "per year". Same change on page 3.
Not Final YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection
8:43 Senator Romer and Representative Massey and Representative McCann discussed their positions on the amendment.
8:43 Karin McGowan Department of Pub, testified regarding the dept's position on the amendment.
8:44 Bruce Madison, discussed the board's position on increased licensing fees for physicians, stated that most bad actors would be weeded out in the first two years when the Medical Marijuna Cash fund is bearing the expense. Representative Weissmann discussed his position that physicians should bear the costs of the investigations. Diana Protopapa testified that there is opposition among the doctors because there are only a few bad actors, and most physicians do not use the programs. They support the amendment because the costs will be born by the Medical Marijuana Cash Fund. Senator Spence asked how much it costs to do an investigation. Ms. Protopapa articulated the reasons why the doctors do not support the fee increase for investigations related to this program. Dr. Madison expressed his disappointment that the draft report does not contain a provision related to extra review for individiuals ages 18 to 23 to access medical marijuana. The conference committee further discussed the issue.