Date: 02/03/2010



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08:05 AM -- House Ethics Committee

Representative Todd, Chair, called the second meeting of the House Ethics Committee to order and provided an overview of the committee's task. She reviewed the agenda for today's meeting (Attachment A). The committee will address the following:


Representative Todd directed the committee to the original complaint from Representative Terrance Carroll, Speaker of the House (Attachment B).


08:10 AM

Representative Todd indicated that a response was submitted by Representative King (Attachment C). The committee discussed addressing only the issue included in the original complaint and refraining from broadening the investigation. Representative Levy referred to responses submitted by Betsy Holdredge, Chief Accountant, Legislative Council Staff, and Cindy Brown, Treasurer for Representative Steve King (Attachment D and Attachment E). She requested additional information regarding reimbursement expenses for rental vehicles. Representative Todd indicated that members outside of the Denver Metro area are allowed to rent a vehicle or they can elect to fly.

10Ethics0203AttachC.pdf 10Ethics0203AttachD.pdf


08:18 AM

Representative Waller indicated that the Ethics Watch complaint accuses Representative King of "double-dipping"so the rental car issue is outside of the complaint. Representative Todd indicated that the committee should reach a consensus that the committee only focus on the double-dipping accusation. The committee referred to the Ethics Watch complaint (Attachment B). The committee agreed that the committee should focus on the original charge only.

08:22 AM

Representative Todd referred to Representative King's response (Attachment C). She responded to questions from committee members and indicated that committee should decide if there is need for additional information, such as accounting documents. In addition, she directed the committee to decide if there is probable cause for the accusation of "double-dipping." Representative Levy requested more information to determine if the expense is for his campaign duties or his legislator duties. Representative Reisberg indicated that Representative King's letter does not respond to the accusation of "double-dipping". In addition, Representative Reisberg requested that Representative King provide specific responses to the original "double-dipping" accusation.

08:30 AM

Representative Waller indicated that Representative King borrowed from his campaign account and then paid it back. He asked if there was an advantage to doing so. The committee discussed whether or not Representative King's actions were "double-dipping." Representative Gerou stated that it is important to note that Representative King paid the amount back.

08:39 AM

Representative Reisberg indicated that looking into his campaign account should not be included in the scope of the committee's charge and that the committee should only focus on the mileage reimbursement. Representative Levy indicated that the committee should focus on whether or not Representative King was paid from different sources for the same trip. She added that legislators should not seek additional reimbursement than the amount set by state and federal rules.

08:46 AM

Representative Gerou stated that if the committee is going to consider reimbursements, the committee needs to consider all reimbursements. She indicated that the committee should not pass judgement until the whole committee has adequate time to review the documents submitted. The committee discussed the option of hiring an outside accountant to review the submitted documentation. The committee agreed that the need for an accountant, paid by the state, is not necessary. Representative Gerou requested information from Betsy Holdredge, specifically, whether or not legislators in the past have taken money from a campaign account and paid it back later.

08:51 AM

Representative Levy asked for additional information from Representative King to address weekend constituency work and what he paid back from his campaign to tie the gas expenses to district work, or whether he is claiming the reimbursement from the state.

08:53 AM

The committee discussed the next meeting time. The House Committee on Ethics will meet Friday, February 12, at 1:00 p.m., in HCR 0111.

08:58 AM

The committee adjourned.