Date: 02/22/2010

Briefing by the Office of the Child's Representative


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09:23 AM -- Briefing by Office of the Child's Representative

Ms. Linda Weinerman, Executive Director of the Office of the Child's Representative (OCR), introduced herself and described her office. She distributed a fact sheet concerning the OCR (Attachment E). A fact sheet on Senate Bill 10-043, which removes the repeal date for the OCR, was also distributed (Attachment F). Two discs containing the OCR's ninth annual report and other information were distributed to the committee. The discs can be found at the State Archives. Ms. Weinerman described the role of the OCR and explained how attorneys are hired and evaluated within the office.


09:32 AM

Ms. Weinerman discussed audit findings concerning the OCR. She spoke about how the focus of the OCR has shifted in the ten years since it was founded.

09:34 AM

Ms. Weinerman responded to questions from Senator Newell concerning discrepancies between child welfare offices across the state.

09:37 AM

The committee adjourned.