

Time:01:31 PM to 04:05 PM
Place:LSB A
Carroll M.
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Riesberg
Kerr J.
This Report was prepared by
Kelly Stapleton
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Briefing from JBC
Review the waiting list for DD Services
Briefing from the DHS
Briefing from DHS

01:32 PM -- Briefing from the Joint Budget Committee

Senator Keller introduced the members of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) to the Joint House and Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Senator Keller provided an overview for the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (DHCPF). She provided an update regarding the hospital provider fee and stated that the waiver has been submitted and that the DHCPF is awaiting approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Senator Keller stated that the DHCPF estimates approximately $442 million in additional funding for Medicaid and the Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) for FY 2009-10. She explained to the committee that the JBC will recommend delaying the payment to Medicaid providers by one week, which would leave about $90 million in the General Fund. She indicated that community health clinics will most likely receive more cuts in the upcoming year.

01:41 PM

Senator Keller spoke to the recommendations for the Department of Human Services' budget. She highlighted that the department has already seen several FTE reductions from the consolidation of the Statewide Information Technology system. She also spoke to the closure of a unit at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Fort Logan. Senator Keller stated that the department has taken a 8 1/2 percent cut cumulatively. She stated that the department's highest base reduction priority is to change eligibility for the Old Age Pension (OAP) Program. Changes would exclude sponsored legal immigrants from eligibility for the program and would institute a five-year bar for immigrants, with some exceptions. The proposal will require a statutory change and, if enacted, is projected to provide $14.4 million in OAP cash fund savings in FY 2010-11 and $28.9 million in savings in FY 2011-12. Responding to Representative Gerou's question, Senator Keller stated that there are approximately 4,467 legal residents that will be affected by this change.

Senator Keller spoke about the Child Welfare Action Committee recommendations, specifically noting the recommendation by the committee to have the state administer the child welfare system and the reaction by many counties who currently provide these services.

01:47 PM

Senator Keller spoke to restructuring community centered boards which serve as a single entry point for individuals with developmental disabilities.

01:50 PM

Senator Newell asked how the Department of Human Services was dealing with the cuts to the department considering its increase in caseload. Senator Keller responded that there has been a 45 percent increase in Medicaid caseload and that approximately 500,000 people are currently enrolled in Medicaid. Representative Kerr asked what the total population of the state participates in Medicaid. Senator White responded that about 12 percent of the state's population receives Medicaid benefits, with the national average being about 20 percent. Members asked several questions about the closure of the Grand Junction Regional Center. Senator Keller explained to the committee where the residents affected by the cuts are going and stated that the facility stopped taking new applicants as of March 2009. Senator Keller also stated that the facility is over 100 years old and requires extensive renovations that would cost the state more than the actual value of the building.

02:03 PM

Senator Keller spoke to the recommendations regarding the Department of Public Health and Environment. She stated that as a result of cash fund transfers from the Hazardous Substance Response Fund (HSRF) to the General Fund in FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 and declining revenues from tipping fees, the department estimates that the HSRF will become insolvent in FY 2015-16 and may become functionally inoperable in FY 2011-12. She indicated that the tipping fee may have to be increased.

02:09 PM

The committee took a brief recess.

02:12 PM -- Update on the Status of the Waiting Lists for Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities required by HB 08-1101

Senator Keller stated that House Bill 08-1101 requires the Joint Budget Committee and the Senate and House Health and Human Services committees to meet annually and take public testimony on the status of the waiting lists for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Senator Keller stated that the state does not have additional funds to further reduce the waiting list for services.

02:15 PM --
Roger Jensen, Executive Director, Starpoint Community Center Board, spoke to the current budget issues that have been affecting individuals with disabilities. He stated that the waiting list is continuing to grow. He asked the committee to make funding the waiting list for services a priority when the state's budget improves.

02:19 PM --
Marijo Rymer, Executive Director, Arc of Colorado, stated that the waiting list is growing. Ms. Rymer spoke to the aging population of individuals caring for people with developmental disabilities. She recounted a story of a family with elderly parents caring for their 45 year old son.

02:29 PM --
Paula Rhodes stated that she is a mentally ill individual. She suggested to the committee that any revenue raised from medical marijuana should go towards the care of the disabled.

02:31 PM -- Briefing from the Department of Human Services Regarding the Waiting List for Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Jenise May, Interim Deputy Director, Office of Veterans and Disability Services, and Susan Hunt, Associate Director, Office of Veterans and Disability Services, introduced themselves to the committee. A handout regarding the number of individuals with developmental disabilities on the waiting list for services was provided to the committee (Attachment A). Ms. May provided information to the committee regarding the number of number of individuals on the waiting list for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. She provided a handout to the committee detailing the information (Attachment B). Ms. May highlighted that the total number of individuals with developmental disabilities on the waiting list for comprehensive services and supported living services is 2,735. She stated that the total number of individuals on the waiting list for services under the Family Support Services waiver is 4,908. Ms. May stated that the average length on the waiting list is 3 years for comprehensive services and 2.8 years for supported living services. Ms. Hunt spoke to the process in which an individual is evaluated by the department to be put on the waiting list.


02:39 PM -- Briefing from Department of Human Services

Karen Beye, Executive Director, Department of Human Services introduced herself to the committee. The deputy directors of the department introduced themselves to committee. She provided two handouts to the committee, a resource guide and the 2010 bill proposals from the department (Attachments C and D respectively). Ms. Beye explained some of the services and programs the department administers. Ms. Beye highlighted several areas in which the department is working more efficiently, one of them being management of technology. She spoke to several technological improvements the department has made, such as the implementation of an on-line application for food stamps which will be available in 2010. She also highlighted a new application on the department's website that makes it easier for individuals to evaluate whether they are eligible for the food assistance programs, such as food stamps.


02:50 PM

Ms. Beye spoke to how the department has been dealing with the reduction in funding. She addressed the closure some of the beds at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Ft. Logan. She indicated that the department used the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) dollars to fund services for individuals on the waiting list for services for individuals with developmental disabilities and to purchase software technology. Ms. Beye stated that there has been about a 31 percent increase in food assistance needs in recent months. She stated that some of the ARRA funds were used to hire temporary staff to process the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) applications.

02:55 PM

Executive Director Beye spoke to the increase in the monthly stipend for Temporary Assistance for Needy Family (TANF) recipients. She stated that there has not been an increase in the monthly stipend for several decades. She indicated that a TANF recipient may receive 30 percent more or approximately $364 monthly. Ms. Beye spoke to the condition of buildings that the state owns. She provided an update to the committee regarding the Trinidad State Nursing Home. Ms. Beye briefly touched on services provided to veterans and indicated that the department, in conjunction with the federal government, will be opening up an assisted living program near the veteran's hospital to serve individuals returning from military combat.

03:01 PM

Ms. Beye spoke to the 16.4 percent decrease in recidivism rates for individuals in the Department of Youth Corrections. Ms. Beye spoke to several programs within the Department of Youth Corrections.

03:10 PM

Ms. Beye briefly spoke to the recommendations of the Child Welfare Action Committee. She provided an update regarding the child welfare training academy. She detailed several grants that the department has been awarded. Ms. Beye provided concluding remarks.

03:15 PM

Representative Swalm asked Executive Director Beye to explain in more detail services provided by the state to veterans. Committee members asked several questions of Ms. Beye. Representative Kerr asked several questions regarding the Department of Youth Corrections. Representative Gagliardi asked several questions about the Colorado Benefits Management System. Members asked for more clarification regarding the closure of some beds at the Colorado Mental Health Institute in Ft. Logan. Representative Kefalas asked Director Beye if there was any specific actions that the department was taking to reduce poverty after the Economic Poverty Reduction Task Force made recommendations over the interim. Bill Hanna, Office of Policy and Legislative Initiatives, Department of Human, responded that the 'Higher Colorado' initiative which uses TANF funds to provide education to about 1,600 individuals is one example of what the department is doing using moneys from the Strategic Use Funds to help reduce poverty in Colorado.

04:00 PM

Senator Carroll asked the department to comment on the process for determining eligibility for Social Security Income benefits. Director Beye stated that the federal government is extremely backed up in reviewing applications. Ms. Beye responded that the federal government is also evaluating whether to send more employees to aid the process. Senator Carroll expressed concern over the process.

04:05 PM

The committee adjourned.