Date: 12/20/2010

Adult Prison Inmate and DYC Forecast


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10:52 AM -- Adult Prison Inmate and DYC Forecast

Marc Carey, Legislative Council Staff, presented the adult prison inmate and Division of Youth Corrections (DYC) population forecasts. He noted that this forecast begins on page 69 and referred the committee to the table on page 70, which discusses historical and forecasted trends. He noted the decrease in male and female inmates. For the forecast period, Mr. Carey projected an accelerated decline in the prison inmate population. He also compared the 2009 forecast to this year's forecast. He discussed the factors that affect this forecast, which can be found on 73 of the document. He noted four laws enacted last year that will reduce the overall prison population.

10:58 AM

President Shaffer asked if there is a cost savings associated with the decline in the prison enrollment. Mr. Carey responded that he could calculate that and provide that information to the committee. He continued his presentation, discussing the overall decline in parole caseload, but noted an increase for this forecast period as releases are expected to increase. Mr. Carey stated that, for 2011, a 3.7 percent increase in cases is projected, and by 2013, it is expected to increase more. Discussion ensued among the committee and Mr. Carey regarding Figures 24 and 25 in the forecast.

11:04 AM

Senator Newell asked about the youth offender system population. Mr. Carey noted that it is not broken out separately in the Division of Youth Corrections population forecast, but that he can provide that information. Mr. Carey concluded by discussing the DYC population, which begins on page 77. Mr. Carey responded to questions from the committee regarding Figure 27 and the status of the crime rate in Colorado in relation to the declines in the prison population.