Date: 04/23/2010

Committee Discussion on Next Steps


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05:26 PM -- Committee Discussion on Next Steps

Senator Newell asked the committee for their input on how the committee can move forward. She stated that the issues the committee has been considering are difficult and that it is obvious that everyone is committed to the welfare of children. Senator Boyd stated that it did not appear as though there was support for introducing additional legislation in the current legislative session. She suggested that the committee members continue to follow the implementation of the recommendations of the CWAC, and that the House and Senate Health and Human Services committees get an update during the 2011 legislation session on the implementation of the recommendations. Senator Lundberg discussed what the state's role should be with regard to child welfare issues, and expressed concern that many families are inappropriately made part of the system. Senator Lundberg expressed his thoughts on mandatory reporting requirements.

05:36 PM

Representative Nikkel discussed her belief that many of the problems in the system are caused by a lack of communication. She suggested that the committee continue to meet after the legislative session in order to take more public testimony regarding the child welfare system. Representative Kefalas suggested that the committee members read the materials that were distributed, and committed to continuing to discuss the proper role of government in the child welfare system. He suggested other committees that may be able to continue discussions related to child welfare issues. Representative Gagliardi committed to attending additional meetings on child welfare issues. Senator Newell summarized the committee member's recommendations regarding the next steps for the committee. Senator Newell commented that there is fear and distrust among the parties involved in the child welfare system and thanked the CWAC for their work. She suggested that she and Representative Kefalas work with legislative staff to compile the recommendations provided to the committee into a final report.

05:48 PM

The committee adjourned.