Date: 01/19/2010

Presentation by CDOT


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01:37 PM -- Presentation by CDOT

Senator Gibbs called the meeting to order. Executive Director Russell George, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), introduced himself and staff members to the committee. Executive Director George provided a handout to the committee (Attachment A). He discussed annual CDOT funding. Current annual revenue projections account for new revenue generated under Senate Bill 09-108. Federal grants were also received to support transit and job training. He further discussed the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and federal funds distributed across the state.

01:48 PM

Executive Director George discussed job growth generated due to federal stimulus funds for highway and transit projects. Congress directed that federal stimulus funds be targeted specifically for economically distressed areas. He further discussed contracting practices.

01:52 PM

Executive Director George discussed the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA-LU), the chief federal transportation authorizing legislation. He also provided background information on federal Highway Trust Fund solvency problems.

01:56 PM

Executive Director George provided an overview of highway projects supported by Senate Bill 09-108 revenue. Specific obligations by CDOT region were discussed. He also provided a status update on the new Bridge Enterprise and High Performance Transportation Enterprise. Executive Director George discussed each of the required statutory reports to be submitted by CDOT to the General Assembly. He concluded by discussing on-line transportation resources provided by the federal government and CDOT.

02:03 PM

Executive Director George responded to questions from committee members. Representative Merrifield thanked Executive Director George for the materials provided to the committee. Representative Tochtrop asked for a definition of ramp-metering. Senator Kopp asked about the status of supplemental legislation to Senate Bill 09-108.

02:14 PM

Senator Kopp asked Executive Director George to comment on job growth and the Governor's FY 2010-11 budget proposal. Representative McFadyen discussed law enforcement funding obligated with Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF) moneys. Representative McNulty asked if Senate Bill 09-108 revenue would support law enforcement activities.

02:23 PM

Representative Frangas asked for additional information on CDOT contracting with women- and minority-owned businesses. Representative Tyler discussed the importance of government and private sector efficiency, and asked Executive Director George to comment on CDOT initiatives and programs to maximize efficiency.

02:34 PM

Senator Gibbs asked Executive Director George to comment on snow plowing capabilities. Senator Whitehead asked about CDOT snow removal policies and recent concerns regarding reduced plow times. Executive Director George discussed the history of the policy and public outreach efforts. Senator Whitehead also asked if any instruction has been given to plow drivers to plow fewer hours or reduced miles. Senator Gibbs thanked Executive Director George and the CDOT staff for briefing the committee. The committee recessed.