Date: 04/16/2010

Update on Dome Renovation Project


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01:47 PM -- Update on Dome Renovation Project

Ms. Debbie Haskins, Office of Legislative Legal Services, came to the table to provide an update on House Bill 10-1402, the legislation introduced by the Capital Development Committee (CDC) related to the renovation of the Capitol Dome (Attachment E). Ms. Haskins reminded the committee that they had recommended to the CDC that a resolution be introduced regarding the proposal by Colorado Preservation Inc. to fund-raise for repairs to the dome. She said when the resolution came before the CDC, the Office of Legislative Legal Services recommended that a bill would be more appropriate.

Attachment E.pdf

Ms. Haskins walked the committee through the key provisions of the bill. She explained that the first part of the bill relates to the role of the CDC in the process. She described the legislative declaration, which lays out the reasons the dome needs to be repaired and the manner in which the money will be raised. She said the bill gives two new powers to the CDC: to oversee and approve the fund-raising efforts and to review and approve cause marketing relationships. She pointed out that the CDC would undertake its duties with respect to the dome renovation after considering the advice of the Capitol Building Advisory Committee (committee). She further noted that in approving cause-related marketing, the CDC is to consider how these efforts will promote public support for the project and recognize major sponsors of the restoration project in a tasteful and appropriate manner. She also explained that the bill contains a two-year repeal provision.

01:54 PM

Ms. Haskins continued, noting that the bill requires the CDC to provide periodic reports to the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council. She said the committee is also required to make a report to CDC and the Executive Committee.

Ms. Haskins explained that the bill provides that, after the CDC approves the fund-raising program, the nonprofit group (Colorado Preservation Inc.) would submit quarterly reports to the CDC and the Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA) on the status of the fund-raising effort. Subject to the CDC approving a capital construction request, the DPA would be allowed to accept the funds that have been raised. The funds would be deposited into a trust fund in the state treasury. As money was needed for discrete parts of the project, the funds would be released. Ms. Haskins noted that the fund language repeals in four years.

Ms. Haskins next went over the duty given to the committee to make recommendations to the CDC regarding the fund-raising process. She said the committee would look at proposals and make recommendations to the CDC, including recommendations about the appropriate use of signs, logos, or wording and the protective covering around the dome. She said the committee would also be directed to evaluate and consider other fund-raising strategies. The bill requires the committee to make a final report to the CDC and the Executive Committee. These duties are repealed after two years.

02:02 PM

Ms. Haskins noted that the bill was scheduled to be heard in the House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee on Tuesday, April 20, at 1:30 p.m. Representative Weissmann commented that he would have been more comfortable with very specific language banning corporate logos on the dome. He said it will be the duty of the committee and the CDC to make sure ads do not appear on the dome. Senator Bacon said he believes there are enough safeguards in place to make sure nothing offensive will end up on the scrim. He said it is likely that major donors will use images of the dome in their advertising and there may be an occasion for a tasteful notation of the donors. Ms. Contiguglia said there is not a hard line between advertising and sponsorship and the committee has the dignity of the building uppermost in their minds. Senator Bacon invited committee members to bring him ideas about the bill as it moves forward in the process.

02:06 PM

Ms. Contiguglia asked for clarification of the amount of time that will be allowed for fund-raising and construction. Ms. Haskins explained that the project is dependent upon the capital construction request coming to the CDC. Representative Riesberg spoke to the question of the repeal dates in the bill. He said he assumes that construction would begin in the summer of 2010 and would continue for two years after the fund-raising had ended. Senator Bacon and Representative Riesberg further discussed the timing of the fund-raising and the construction. Ms. Contiguglia noted that once the money is raised it will proceed as any other capital construction project.

02:10 PM

Ms. Haskins noted that another bill related to the dome project, Senate Bill 10-192 was also introduced (Attachment F). She explained the bill proposes funding the restoration of the dome using state historic preservation funds. Representative Weissmann noted that he is committed to making sure Senate Bill 10-192 does not move forward in the House of Representatives. Senator Bacon said he thinks many people signed on as co-sponsors to the bill without realizing House Bill 10-1402 had also been introduced.

Attachment F.pdf

Ms. Eddins asked, if more funds are raised than needed for the project, could excess funds go to a friends of the Capitol type fund. Ms. Haskins said there is such a fund in statute. Ms. Contiguglia asked who has access to those funds.

02:14 PM

Ms. Debbie Wagner, representing the State Historical Society, came to the table to respond to the questions about the fund, saying Legislative Council has access to that fund. Representative Riesberg said he is concerned that once the scaffolding is erected, it is likely that additional damage will be found. He said that if, toward the end of the project, it is determined that there is excess money, the issue of the excess money can be addressed then.

Mr. Jim Hare, representing Colorado Preservation Inc., said the intention of his organization is that extra money would be deposited in a Capitol maintenance fund. He said Colorado Preservation Inc. would like to use the commission his organization earns for fund-raising for the project for other historic preservation projects in the state. Mr. Hare concurred with Representative Riesberg's comments about the possibility that more damage will be found when the work begins. Mr. Hare said he met with the head of CBS Outdoor Advertising and said the value of the advertising potential of the scrim could exceed expectations if it is used for advertising. He clarified that they do not intend to use the scrim in that way. He said the fund-raising goal is "highly doable" in a relatively short amount of time.

02:19 PM

Representative Riesberg said he and Senator Kopp, sponsor of Senate Bill 10-192, would appear on "Your Show" on Channel 9 on Sunday, April 18, to talk about the Capitol Dome. He said the media has taken an interest in the effort.