Date: 03/23/2010

BILL SUMMARY for HB10-1361


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Moved to Postpone Indefinitely House Bill 10-1361.
Moved to refer House Bill 10-1361 to the Committee

03:23 PM -- House Bill 10-1361

The committee recessed.

03:58 PM

Representative Sonnenberg, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 10-1361, concerning acquisitions by the Wildlife Commission of a fee simple title to real property using habitat stamp funds. Committee members received copies of Senate Bill 09-235, which concerned fees charged by the Division of Wildlife (Attachment C). Representative Sonnenberg discussed the process that went into the introduction of the bill, including the creation of a working group of stakeholders to address the issues covered by the bill. Representative Sonnenberg also addressed concerns raised regarding House Bill 10-1361.


04:06 PM

The following persons testified regarding House Bill 10-1361:

04:06 PM --
Mr. Tom Remington, representing the Division of Wildlife, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Remington provided background on the Habitat Stamp Program, and the process that led to the introduction of Senate Bill 09-235. Mr. Remington discussed the organizations that lined up in support of or opposition to Senate Bill 09-235, and their reasons for doing so. Mr. Remington also discussed the stakeholder process initiated by Representative Sonnenberg during the formulation of House Bill 10-1361, and suggested that the bill is a solution in search of a problem.

04:16 PM

Mr. Remington discussed the process by which the Division of Wildlife acquires interest in property, and explained that the division very rarely acquires property in fee title. Mr. Remington then explained the circumstances that lead the division to acquire fee title to property. Mr. Remington suggested the need to look at the division's operations and maintenance funding source. Mr. Remington summarized his remarks. Mr. Remington responded to questions regarding the funding source for the Division of Wildlife's operations and maintenance.

04:27 PM --
Mr. Bob Goodnough, representing himself, testified in opposition to House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Goodnough discussed the reasons for creating the Habitat Stamp Program. Mr. Goodnough also discussed the circumstances under which fee simple title is currently acquired on property by the Division of Wildlife, and the limitations placed on the division by the bill in acquiring interest in property. Mr. Goodnough then discussed funding for operation and maintenance of property acquired in fee simple title by the division, and explained that the bill is not necessary. Representative Sonnenberg clarified that the bill addresses property interest acquired by the Division of Wildlife under the Habitat Stamp Program and not all property owned by the division.

04:37 PM

Discussion ensued regarding the potential for requiring that Habitat Stamp Program moneys be used for operation and maintenance of those properties acquired under the Habitat Stamp Program. Discussion followed regarding how federal funds accrue to the Division of Wildlife. Discussion turned to the process by which revenue accrues to a fund set up by the bill to cover operation and maintenance on Habitat Stamp properties, and the level of funding that would be committed to this fund. Representative Sonnenberg responded to questions regarding how these operation and maintenance moneys would be allotted under House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Goodnough responded to questions regarding the time frame for committing moneys to the fund, and the potential for the Wildlife Commission to perform these functions by rule. Discussion ensued on this point.

04:49 PM

Discussion ensued regarding the need to address maintenance and operations on division-controlled properties. Representative Sonnenberg responded to questions regarding the timing of the bill's introduction considering that a committee established by Senate Bill 09-235 to review the Habitat Stamp Program has not yet met.

04:54 PM --
Mr. Chris Crosby, representing himself, testified in opposition to House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Crosby spoke in support of the Habitat Stamp Program and its benefits, and discussed the need to improve the Division of Wildlife's ability to acquire land. Mr. Crosby discussed a fishing rights purchase in Park County by the Division of Wildlife. Mr. Crosby responded to questions regarding the prospects for acquiring this land had the provisions of House Bill 10-1361 been in place.

05:00 PM --
Mr. Kent Ingram, representing the National Wildlife Federation and the Front Range Shooting Sports Partners, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Ingram provided background on the Habitat Stamp Program and the organizations that helped create the program. Mr. Ingram discussed how it was decided the programs revenue would be used, and the importance of fee simple title acquisition as a tool to the Division of Wildlife. Mr. Ingram then discussed the process by which House Bill 10-1361 was created, and the organizations that support and oppose the legislation. Mr. Ingram responded to questions regarding the increasing lack of access to hunting and fishing grounds by sportsmen.

05:09 PM --
Mr. David Nickum, representing Colorado Trout Unlimited, testified in opposition to House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Nickum objected to the bill's restriction on the acquisition of fee simple title by the Division of Wildlife, and explained how such acquisitions improve wildlife access by sportsmen.

05:11 PM --
Mr. Chuck Woods, representing Ducks Unlimited, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Woods suggested that the issues addressed by the bill are better addressed in Senate Bill 09-235. Mr. Woods discussed property he owns in eastern Colorado.

05:14 PM --
Ms. Suzanne O'Neill, representing the Colorado Wildlife Federation, testified in opposition to House Bill 10-1361. Ms. O'Neill objected to a provision in the bill governing the resale of properties acquired using Habitat Stamp moneys.

05:17 PM --
Mr. Les White and Mr. Gary Miller, representing the Habitat Stamp Committee, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. White discussed the process by which the bill was crafted, and suggested that the legislation is not needed. Mr. Miller discussed the quality assurance process employed by the Habitat Stamp Program in acquiring property interests, and explained that flexibility is needed in funding operation and maintenance on program-acquired properties. Mr. White explained that fee simple title acquisition provides access to hunting and fishing grounds by sportsmen.

05:26 PM --
Mr. Robert Streeter, representing the Colorado Wildlife Commission, testified in opposition to House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Streeter discussed developments that are encroaching upon wildlife habitat, and the need to preserve land through programs such as the Habitat Stamp Program. Mr. Streeter discussed rules currently in place that restrict the acquisition of fee simple title to land by the Division of Wildlife, and techniques employed to reduce program overhead. Mr. Streeter explained how the bill will create obstacles to the operation of the Habitat Stamp Program.

05:35 PM --
Mr. Troy Bredenkamp, representing the Colorado Farm Bureau and the Colorado Corn Growers, testified in support of the bill. Committee members received a handout urging a yes vote on the bill (Attachment D). Mr. Bredenkamp discussed the role of the Colorado Farm Bureau in wildlife preservation, and explained that the bureau is opposed to the Habitat Stamp Program because fee simple title to property can be acquired through the program. Mr. Bredenkamp discussed the renewal of the Habitat Stamp Program in 2009, and the process that resulted in the introduction of House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Bredenkamp discussed the impact of the bill on the ability of the Division of Wildlife to acquire fee simple title in real property, and explained the benefits of setting up a fund to finance operations and maintenance on properties acquired through the Habitat Stamp Program. Mr. Bredenkamp discussed the stakeholder meetings that led to the introduction of the bill.


05:47 PM

Discussion ensued regarding the organizations that collaborated in the crafting of House Bill 10-1361.

05:48 PM --
Mr. Ivan James, representing the Colorado Bowhunters Association, testified in favor of the bill. Mr. James discussed the importance of hunting and fishing to Colorado's economy, and explained how wildlife habitat is important to this industry. Mr. James discussed support for Senate Bill 09-235, and the process that led to the introduction of House Bill 10-1361. Mr. James spoke to the importance of the Habitat Stamp Program.

05:54 PM --
Dr. Dick Steele, representing the Western Colorado Sportsmens Council, testified in favor of House Bill 10-1361. Dr. Steele suggested that the oversight process for the Habitat Stamp Program contained in the bill is not onerous, and explained that the Division of Wildlife is not properly maintaining the property that it oversees. Dr. Steele spoke in favor of wise use of program resources.

05:57 PM --
Mr. Eddie Kochman, representing himself, testified in favor of the bill. Mr. Kochman discussed the stakeholder process that contributed to the crafting of the bill, and expressed support for the Habitat Stamp Program. Mr. Kochman suggested that the program was intended to include funding for operation and maintenance of property overseen by the Division of Wildlife, and recounted exchanges with the Division of Wildlife pertaining to the division's maintenance budget. Mr. Kochman further suggested that a budget shortfall looms for the Division of Wildlife. Mr. Kochman discussed the benefit of garnering the support of both sportsmen's and farm groups, and the lack of dialogue between the Division of Wildlife and stakeholders.

06:07 PM --
Mr. Ed Robinson, representing himself, testified in favor of House bill 10-1361. Mr. Robinson discussed the support of sportsmen for Division of Wildlife initiatives, and discussed conflicts inherent to the Habitat Stamp Program. Mr. Robinson discussed the lack of inclusion on the part of the division.

06:12 PM --
Mr. Larry Harris, representing himself, testified in favor of the bill. Mr. Harris discussed the unity of landowner and sportsmen groups in support of the bill, and discussed the importance of enhancing property acquired through the Habitat Stamp Program.

06:15 PM --
Mr. David Dunsmoor, representing the Colorado Sportsmen Wildlife Fund, testified in favor of House Bill 10-1361.

06:17 PM --
Mr. Denny Behrens, representing the Colorado Mule Deer Association, testified in favor of the bill. Mr. Behrens provided background on the creation and continuation of the Habitat Stamp Program, and discussed efforts to require that a percentage of property acquired under the program consist of wildlife migration corridors and winter range. Mr. Behrens also discussed the importance of properly maintaining lands acquired under the program, and the lack of effort on the part of the Division of Wildlife to address maintenance issues. Mr. Behrens discussed the benefits of committing a percentage of the program's revenues to property maintenance.

06:29 PM

Mr. Behrens responded to questions regarding management of properties that constitute migration corridors and winter range, and the Division of Wildlife's efforts to preserve such properties. Mr. Behrens responded to further questions regarding statewide meetings between the Division of Wildlife, the Wildlife Commission, and stakeholder groups, and the lack of communication between such groups.

06:38 PM --
Mr. Bill Canterbury, representing the Colorado Cattlemen's Association, testified in favor of House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Canterbury discussed the need for the Division of Wildlife to properly maintain properties managed by the division, and the failure of the division to address these issues.

06:40 PM --
Mr. Chris Roe, representing the Sportsmen's Advisory Group, testified in favor of the bill. Mr. Roe discussed divisions among sportsmen and landowners regarding the Habitat Stamp Program, and provided background on discussions between stakeholders pertaining to House Bill 10-1361. Mr. Roe addressed objections to the bill expressed by the Division of Wildlife, and the lack of communication between stakeholders and the division.

06:51 PM

Mr. Roe continued to provide background on stakeholder meetings concerning issues addressed by House Bill 10-1361, and to address objections to the bill raised by the Division of Wildlife.

07:01 PM

Mr. Roe continued to address objections to House Bill 10-1361 raised by the Division of Wildlife. Discussion ensued regarding the issues addressed in Senate Bill 09-235, and the need to pass House Bill 10-1361 prior to the meeting of the Habitat Stamp Program review committee created in Senate Bill 09-235.

07:12 PM

Discussion ensued regarding the impact of House Bill 10-1361 on law created by the passage of Senate Bill 09-235.

07:15 PM

No amendments were offered to House Bill 10-1361. Discussion ensued regarding the lack of communication between the Division of Wildlife and various stakeholders affected by the Habitat Stamp Program, and the need for additional legislation before the process implemented by Senate Bill 09-235 plays out. Committee members expressed their positions on House Bill 10-1361.
TIME: 07:21:39 PM
MOTION:Moved to refer House Bill 10-1361 to the Committee of the Whole with favorable recommendation. The motion failed on a 5-5-1 roll call vote.
Not Final YES: 5 NO: 5 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: TIE

TIME: 07:22:37 PM
MOTION:Moved to Postpone Indefinitely House Bill 10-1361. The motion failed on a 5-5-1 roll call vote.
Not Final YES: 5 NO: 5 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: TIE

07:20 PM

The committee adjourned.