Date: 01/22/2010

Update on Building Projects


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02:17 PM -- Update on Building Projects

Mr. Lance Shepherd, Office of the State Architect, came to the table to speak to the latest report on the condition of the dome (Attachment E ) . The dome report may be viewed on the committee's website at He said the stop-gap measures on the dome are no longer effective and the deterioration is accelerating.

Attachment E.pdf

Next Mr. Shepherd updated the committee on the elevator project, saying padded carts have been obtained to help alleviate damage.

Mr. Shepherd next provided an update of the lighting project. He explained that the scaled-back project includes security lighting, dome lighting, and lighting controls. He noted that savings in electricity off-set some costs of the work. The committee discussed the exterior lights, which can be turned off manually.

Mr. Shepherd talked next about repairs to stairs on the outside of the building and said damage continues to occur due to parking near the west steps.

Finally, Mr. Shepherd provided an update on the ground source heating project, saying the project will start this summer and be complete by the start of the 2011 legislative session.

02:22 PM

Ms. Contiguglia asked if there had been any action taken on changing the event permit process to address parking on pavers on the west side of the building. Mr. Lee said a meeting is scheduled to discuss amending the rules. Mr. Lee offered to follow-up on this issue.

Mr. Weingardt asked Mr. Shepherd for detailed information on the condition of the dome and asked whether it poses a safety risk. Mr. Shepherd said they are doing what they can to try to ensure that it is not a safety risk. Ms. Contiguglia asked whether dome repair needs were considered for American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) funds. Mr. Shepherd said the dome was submitted as a potential ARRA project, but was not considered. Ms. Nunnally commented on the significance of the Capitol and said it should rise to a higher level for prioritization of funding. She encouraged legislators to think about the building from that angle. Senator Bacon talked about how much the state budget is being cut -- $1.5 billion in this budget year. Senator Bacon said the state budget is in really serious condition. Ms. Contiguglia asked that the dome and the Capitol be kept in mind when the economy turns around. Committee discussion on these issues ensued.

Mr. Lee described the fund being established by the History Museum for maintenance at its new building as an interesting model to contemplate.