Date: 01/28/2010

Dept. Pub Hlth & Envt.


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

03:03 PM -- Briefing by the Department of Public Health and Environment

Martha Rudolph, Executive Director of the Department of Public Health and Environment, began the briefing of the Department of Public Health and Environment and distributed an outline of the department's presentation to the committee (Attachment B). She discussed the department's objectives including building a strong public health system; having an effective climate change strategy; encouraging and leading Coloradans to healthier lifestyles from birth to old age; having an effective emergency response system to address communicable disease, epidemics, and other public health and environmental emergencies; protecting and improving air and water quality across the state; and eliminating health inequities in Colorado. Ms. Rudolph noted that the department works closely with local public health agencies. Ms. Rudolph discussed the challenges the department is facing due to budget cuts. She discussed the department's FY 2010-11 budget change requests and budget balancing proposals.


03:09 PM

Ms. Rudolph discussed the department's legislative priorities and described issues in Colorado's environmental programs. She described the department's efforts with regarding to ARRA funding and drinking water projects. She discussed recent interest in developing new uranium recovery facilities in Colorado. Ms. Rudolph addressed the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to establish new ozone standards, stating that Colorado has been out of compliance with requirements that are less stringent than those proposed by the agency. She stated that it is likely that Colorado's nonattainment area will increase under the new ozone standards. She discussed possible strategies that may be considered to help Colorado meet the new standards. Ms. Rudolph discussed climate change.

03:16 PM

Dr. Ned Calonge, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Public Health and Environment, updated the committee on health-related issues being addressed by the department. Dr. Calonge discussed issues related to medical marijuana. He stated that the medical marijuana program has been experiencing growth as a result of a series of changes, including a decision by the federal government not to prosecute individuals who use marijuana for medicinal purposes. Dr. Calonge discussed the state's efforts with regard to the H1N1 outbreak. Dr. Calonge discussed the department's involvement with the implementation of the 2008 Public Health Act, stating the goal of the act was to assure that public health services are available to every person in Colorado with a consistent standard of quality.

03:22 PM

Dr. Calonge discussed ARRA funding received by the department, noting that the department's Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division received approximately $4 million in ARRA funds. He discussed the reemergence of rabies in the state, which has been spreading in skunks. Dr. Calonge described reductions in Amendment 35 funding, and related cuts to programs funded with Amendment 35 moneys. He discussed the Primary Care Office and the increase in funding for health professional loan repayment programs. He stated the department has been able to leverage funding provided by the state to expand loan repayment programs. He discussed the department's activities related to recalls of unsafe food products.

03:31 PM

Dr. Calonge responded to questions from Representative Riesberg regarding deaths caused by H1N1 flu.