Date: 09/17/2010

Dome Restoration Project Update


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01:29 PM -- Dome Restoration Project Update

Mr. James Hare, Colorado Preservation, Inc. (CPI), reported that the contract between CPI and the General Assembly has been signed by CPI (Attachment A). Mr. Bart Miller, Office of Legislative Legal Services, said the contract was approved by the Capital Development Committee (CDC) at its September 8, 2010, meeting, and he is in the process of getting signatures from legislative leadership. Ms. Contiguglia thanked Mr. Miller and Mr. Hare for their work on the contract.

Attachment A.pdf

Mr. Hare announced that AT&T has made a gift of $10,000 to the dome fund-raising campaign. He also reported that the campaign website will be launched soon and said Historic Denver Inc. received a State Historical Fund grant, matched by a donation from CPI, to make a documentary film about the dome. He explained that the documentary will be used during the dome campaign.

Mr. Hare also mentioned the food-can model of the Capitol on display in the southeast corner of Mr. Brown's Attic. The cans in the display are failing and need to be disposed of. Mr. Hare said the space that will be left empty when the food-can model is disposed of could be used for a display about the dome restoration project. The committee briefly discussed the food-can model.

Mr. Hare reported on the task force that is working on the details of the campaign. He said they are considering a celebrity face for the campaign. Ms. Contiguglia asked Mr. Hare to describe the task force that has been established to oversee the campaign. He responded, saying that interested parties, including members of the CPI board and the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry are serving on the task force. Ms. Contiguglia asked Mr. Hare to provide the task force roster to the committee. Mr. Hare said he would like to invite Ms. Theresa Holst, Dome Tour Supervisor, to serve on the task force. He clarified that state employee members of the task force would serve in an informational capacity and not be asked to solicit donations. Mr. Lee asked for further information about the idea of the public face. Note: Mr. Hare provided the task force roster shortly after the meeting (see Attachment B).

Attachment B.pdf

Senator Bacon thanked Mr. Hare for his work to date on the dome project.